A Collection of resources I have found useful on my journey finding my way through the world of Deep Learning.


Stanford CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

Coursera: Neural Networks for Machine Learning

Even though Deep Learning is a small but important subset of Machine Learning, it is still important to get a wider knowledge and understanding of Machine Learning and no course will give you a better understanding than the excellent course by Andrew Ng.

Coursera: Machine Learning


A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks

An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks

Gradient Descent Optimisation Algorithms

Animations done by AlecRadford

An Overview

Understanding LSTM Networks

Keras is my favorite framework for Deep Learning and is underneath compatible with both Theano and Tensorflow.

The Keras Blog - Building powerful image classification models using very little data
A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning ~Pedro Domingos

How convolutional neural networks see the world ~Francois Chollet


Introduction to Deep Learning with Python

Books & e-Books

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Deep Learning Book - some call this book the Deep Learning bible

Machine Learning Yearning - Technical Strategy for AI Engineers, in the Era of Deep Learning ~Andrew Ng

Getting Philosophical

What is the next likely breakthrough in Deep Learning

Looking at The major advancements in Deep Learning in 2016 gives us a peek into the future of deep learing. A big portion of the effort went into Generative Models, let us see if that is the case in 2017.

Do machines actually beat doctors?


Kaggle is the place to be for Data Scientists and Deep Learning experts at the moment - but you don't have to be an expert to feel the adrenalin of a $120000 competition

Kaggle competitions perfect for deep learning:

Digit Recognizer

Dogs vs Cats

The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring

State Farm Distracted Driver Detection

Tools of the Trade


Python Official

Python Programming Tutorials


Deep Learning is far from being an exact science and a lot of what you do is based on getting a feel for the underlying mechanics, visualising the moving parts makes it easier to understand and Matplotlib is the go-to library for visualisation

Matplotlib official

Matplotlib tutorial


NumPy is a fast optimized package for scientific computing, and is also the underlying library a lot of Machine Learning frameworks are build on top of. Becoming a NumPy ninja is an important step to mastery.

NumPy official

100 NumPy exercises


20 Weird & Wonderful Datasets for Machine Learning

Enron Email Dataset
Posted by uniqueone