'Python'에 해당되는 글 35건

  1. 2023.06.15 [공개][np.stack설명] 넘파이numpy의 stack에 대한 graphical 설명
  2. 2022.07.13 windows 10 파이참pycharm 이용 시 주석처리 단축키 'Ctrl + /'작동 안될 때
  3. 2022.02.25 파이참Pycharm으로 원격 서버 SSH 연결해서 코드 수정하기 (윈도우)
  4. 2022.02.18 파이썬 모든 패키지,라이브러리 업데이트 하기,Updating All Packages In A Virtual Environment on Windows
  5. 2021.11.25 pycharm untrusted server certificate popup [파이참] Server Certificates 오류 해결
  6. 2021.11.22 [pycharm파이참에서 import 자동으로 hide숨김을 해제하는 방법]How do I make pyCharm stop hiding (unfold) my Python imports?
  7. 2021.04.27 [python] [ipynb to py 변환 방법] jupyter nbconvert --to python [filename].ipynb
  8. 2021.03.06 파이참pycharm에서 2개 이상의 multiple projects 돌리는 방법
  9. 2020.12.16 [self] pycharm에서 graphviz를 conda로 설치하니 안되는데, pip로 설치하니 된다.
  10. 2020.11.25 python 주피터 노트북(jupyter notebook) 색상 및 테마변경하기
  11. 2020.11.20 How can we improve coding skill??
  12. 2020.11.03 Python youtube_dl.YoutubeDL() Examples
  13. 2020.11.03 youtube-dl옵션 자세히 설명 (youtube-dl - download videos from youtube.com or other video platforms)
  14. 2020.11.02 python과 youtube-dl을 이용하여 유튜브 비디오와 mp3다운받기(youtube videos and mp3s using youtube-dl and python)
  15. 2020.10.28 [self] 파이썬(python) youtube-dl을 이용해 youtube 동영상에서 음성(소리)만 mp3로 받기 3
  16. 2020.10.28 'pip3 install youtube_dl' 이라고 해야 설치된다.
  17. 2020.10.27 프로그래밍 교육 부트캠프를 운영하며 가장 많이 받는 질문들이 있습니다. "XX살인데, 지금 부터 해도 가능할까요?" 관련해서 재밌는 글이 번역
  18. 2020.10.21 matplotlib에서 figure창을 자동으로 닫기
  19. 2020.10.21 matplotlib으로 figure창을 여러개 띄우기
  20. 2020.09.18 [self][Python NumPy] 배열을 수평(옆)으로, 수직(위아래)으로 붙이기 : np.r_, np.c_
  21. 2020.09.11 https://youtu.be/FeBhlDLAddc Converting video (mp4) file to audio (mp3) file usi
  22. 2020.08.05 Python Numpy Tutorial with Colab CS231n Python Tutorial With Google Colab : http
  23. 2020.05.15 파이썬 조차도 공부한 적이 없다면 한글용은생활코딩의 파이썬 편을 영문용은 러닝 파이썬 http://learnpython.org/을 보시면 문법이나 파이썬을 어떻게 사용하는지 도움을 얻게 될 것입니다
  24. 2019.08.29 Python Cheat Sheet --------------------------------------- สำหรับใครที่กำลังฝึกฝนการเขียนภาษา Python อยู่… วันนี้ Data ภาษาคน มี Cheat Sheet จ..
  25. 2019.08.16 [Jupyter - Notebook] ipynb 파일을 python 파일로 변환하기: jupyter nbconvert --to script [YOUR_NOTEBOOK].ipynb
  26. 2019.04.03 virtual env을 pycharm에 연동 시키는 방법
  27. 2019.04.03 anaconda에서 conda로 생성된 virtual env 확인하는 법(List all virtualenv created by virtualenvwrapper)
  28. 2018.12.06 Pycharm indexing 무한 반복(indexing infinite loop) 해결 방법
  29. 2018.03.15 Visualize Machine Learning Data in Python With Pandas https://machinelearningmastery.com/visualize-machine-learning-data-python-pandas/
  30. 2017.11.08 NumPy for MATLAB users – Mathesaurus



넘파이의 3차원에서 axis는 아래 그림과 같이 axis=0은 깊이, axis=1은 세로축, axis=2는 가로축이다.

a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
b = np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])

일 때 

1. np.stack((a, b), axis=0)

np.stack((a, b), axis=0)
# array([[[1, 2],
#         [3, 4]],

#        [[5, 6],
#         [7, 8]]])

그림은 아래와 같다. axis=0이므로 reshape에서 1번째에 1이 추가된다. 

2. np.stack((a, b), axis=1)

np.stack((a, b), axis=1)
# array([[[1, 2],
#         [5, 6]],

#        [[3, 4],
#         [7, 8]]])

그림은 아래와 같다. axis=1이므로 reshape에서 2번째에 1이 추가된다. 


3. np.stack((a, b), axis=2)

np.stack((a, b), axis=2)
# array([[[1, 5],
#         [2, 6]],

#        [[3, 7],
#         [4, 8]]])

그림은 아래와 같다. axis=2이므로 reshape에서 3번째에 1이 추가된다. 


참고로, 아래 그림은 np.reshape을 이용해 shape=(2,3,2) --> shape=(2,3,2)으로 바뀌는 과정을 나타낸다. 가장 바깥쪽(3번째 axis)이 먼저 unrolling되고, rolling될 때도 가장 바깥쪽(3번째 axis)이 먼저 rolling된다. (https://towardsdatascience.com/np-reshape-in-python-39b4636d7d91 참조)



Posted by uniqueone

windows 10 파이참pycharm 이용 시 주석처리 단축키는 'Ctrl + /'인데,

이 단축키가 갑자기 작동이 안되고 '/'가 입력됐다. 

검색해보니 https://dev-jinee.tistory.com/3 에서는 'Ctrl + Shift' 를 눌러 Microsoft 입력기로 바꿔주면 된다고 했는데, 

나는 '윈도우키 + 스페이스'를 눌러 바꿔줄 수 있었다.

windows 10 파이참pycharm 이용 시 주석처리 단축키는 'Ctrl + /'인데,

windows 10 파이참pycharm 이용 시 주석처리 단축키는 'Ctrl + /'인데,

Posted by uniqueone

1. 파이참Pycharm으로 원격 서버 연결해서 코드 수정하려면 일단 원격서버에 SSH를 설치해야한다. 

 https://lucidmaj7.tistory.com/178 를 참조해서 설치하자

2. 그 후 아래 사이트들을 참조하여 파이참 프로페셔널 버전으로 연결하여 수정할 수 있다.

https://wisdomcoder.oopy.io/6358c13a-0b75-42b5-adf9-e31f17b5901b , https://epicarts.tistory.com/99














Posted by uniqueone

참고원문: https://www.activestate.com/resources/quick-reads/how-to-update-all-python-packages/

# https://www.activestate.com/resources/quick-reads/how-to-update-all-python-packages/
import pkg_resources
from subprocess import call

for dist in pkg_resources.working_set:
    call("python -m pip install --upgrade " + dist.project_name, shell=True)

원문의 dist.<projectname> --> dist.project_name 로 수정










Posted by uniqueone



SSL 통시늘 시도 시 회사에서는 방화벽 문제로 인해서 Server Certificates 오류가 발생 할 수 있다.


* 해결 방법 

-  SSL 통신 옵션 해제

File > Settings > Tools > Server Certificates > Accept non-trusted certificates automatically 체크

File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Updates > Use Secure connection 체크 해제


참고자료 : 




Posted by uniqueone


As this question may be useful for people who also are not looking for the term "code folding", I'll make my comment an answer.

As extracted from IntelliJ IDE Web Help, but also worked on PyCharm CE 3.4.1:

  1. Open the IDE Settings (File > Settings, or Ctrl+Alt+S).
  2. Under the "Editor" node, click "General" and then "Code Folding". The "Code Folding" page is displayed.
  3. In the "Collapse by default list", select the check boxes to the left of the code constructs you want to be displayed collapsed. So here you can uncheck "Imports".
  4. Apply changes.

The image below shows what it looks like:



File -> Setting -> Editor -> General -> Code Folding -> at 'Fold by default', uncheck 'Imports'





Posted by uniqueone

jupyter nbconvert --to script [filename].ipynb 


jupyter nbconvert --to python [filename].ipynb 




Posted by uniqueone


You have 2 solutions.

One is to run your Python program in one instance of PyCharm, and then use a new instance to open your other program, and run it there.

You simply do it by doing File->Open, and select the Project. It will ask you whether you want to have it open in the same, or in the new window.

If you have programs that are not GUI based, you can also open two terminals, and run a program simply by typing


  • ./yourProgram1/main.py 


into the first terminal, and


  • ./yourProgram2/main.py 


into your second one.

In the case you’re using macOS or Linux, and it won’t start, make sure to do


  • chmod a+x yourProgram1/main.py 


as well as for main of the second program.

For Windows -> How do I run a Python program in the Command Prompt in Windows 7? (Pretty much the same applies to Windows 10)






Posted by uniqueone

pycharm에서 from graphviz import Source에서 'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'graphviz' 이런 에러가 났다. 

'conda install graphviz'라고 실행해서 설치해도 pycharm에서 인식을 못했다. 구글 검색해보니 stackoverflow.com/questions/49308693/why-cant-i-import-graphviz 에서 pip로 하면 될 수 있다고 해서 

'pip install graphviz'라고 실행해서 설치하니 pycharm에서 인식했다.

핸즈온 머신러닝2판 에서 "옮긴이_ 아나콘다 배포판 이용자는 'conda install python-graphviz' 명령으로 파이썬 패키지와 함께 graphviz를 설치하여 주피터 노트북에서 트리 그래프를 직접 그릴 수 있습니다."라고 한다. 'conda install python-graphviz'라고 했어도 해결됐을지도 모르겠다. 

Posted by uniqueone



python 주피터 노트북(jupyter notebook) 색상 및 테마 변경하기

아마 개발자 분들은 하루종일 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아 있어서 IDE 툴들의 색상을 어둡게 하시는 분들이 많을겁니다. 하얀색 화면은 눈이 너무 아프거든요 (저만 그런가요..) 특히 파이썬은 IDE 툴로 pychar











Posted by uniqueone

How can we improve coding skill??


Practice one hour every day..Read documentation.

Posted by uniqueone




Python youtube_dl.YoutubeDL() Examples

The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(). These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.

You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module youtube_dl , or try the search function 


Example 1

Project: JJMumbleBot   Author: DuckBoss   File: sound_board_utility.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 9 votes  

def download_clip(url, name): ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': dir_utils.get_perm_med_dir() + f'/sound_board/{name}.wav', 'noplaylist': True, 'continue_dl': True, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'wav', 'preferredquality': '192', }] } try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.cache.remove() info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) ydl.prepare_filename(info_dict) ydl.download([url]) return True except Exception: return False


Example 2

Project: facebook-scraper   Author: kevinzg   File: extractors.py    License: MIT License 7 votes  

def extract_video_highres(self): if not YoutubeDL: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "youtube-dl must be installed to download videos in high resolution." ) ydl_opts = { 'format': 'best', 'quiet': True, } try: post_id = self.post.get('post_id') video_page = 'https://www.facebook.com/' + post_id with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: url = ydl.extract_info(video_page, download=False)['url'] return {'video': url} except ExtractorError as ex: logger.error("Error extracting video with youtube-dl: %r", ex) return None


Example 3

Project: JJMumbleBot   Author: DuckBoss   File: youtube_helper.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def download_song_name(url): try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YoutubeHelper.ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.cache.remove() info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=True) if info_dict['duration'] >= YoutubeHelper.max_track_duration: return None if info_dict['duration'] <= 0.1: return None prep_struct = { 'std_url': url, 'main_url': info_dict['url'], 'main_title': info_dict['title'], 'img_id': info_dict['id'], 'duration': info_dict['duration'] } return prep_struct except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError: return None


Example 4

Project: JJMumbleBot   Author: DuckBoss   File: youtube_helper.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def download_next(): queue_list = list(YoutubeHelper.queue_instance.queue_storage) if len(queue_list) > 0: youtube_url = queue_list[-1]['std_url'] else: return if os.path.exists(f"{dir_utils.get_temp_med_dir()}/youtube/{queue_list[-1]['img_id']}.jpg"): dprint(f"Thumbnail exists for {queue_list[-1]['img_id']}.jpg...skipping") return try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YoutubeHelper.ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.cache.remove() ydl.extract_info(youtube_url, download=True) except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: dprint(e) return return

Example 5

Project: raveberry   Author: raveberry   File: test_youtube.py    License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def setUp(self): super().setUp() try: # try to find out whether youtube is happy with us this time # send a request and skip the test if there is an error ydl_opts = Youtube.get_ydl_opts() ydl_opts["logger"] = YoutubeDLLogger(self) with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: self.info_dict = ydl.download( ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wobbf3lb2nk"] ) except (youtube_dl.utils.ExtractorError, youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError) as e: self.skipTest(f"Error when interacting with youtube, skipping test: {e}") # reduce the number for youtube playlists self.client.post(reverse("set_max_playlist_items"), {"value": "3"}) # clear test cache; ensure that it's the test directory if os.path.split(os.path.dirname(settings.SONGS_CACHE_DIR))[1] == "test_cache": for member in os.listdir(settings.SONGS_CACHE_DIR): member_path = os.path.join(settings.SONGS_CACHE_DIR, member) if os.path.isfile(member_path): os.remove(member_path)

Example 6

Project: raveberry   Author: raveberry   File: youtube.py    License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def check_available(self) -> bool: try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ydl_opts) as ydl: self.info_dict = ydl.extract_info(self.query, download=False) except (youtube_dl.utils.ExtractorError, youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError) as e: self.error = e return False # this value is not an exact match, but it's a good approximation if "entries" in self.info_dict: self.info_dict = self.info_dict["entries"][0] self.id = self.info_dict["id"] size = self.info_dict["filesize"] max_size = self.musiq.base.settings.basic.max_download_size * 1024 * 1024 if ( max_size != 0 and self.check_cached() is None and (size is not None and size > max_size) ): self.error = "Song too long" return False return True


Example 7

Project: vidgear   Author: abhiTronix   File: test_camgear.py    License: Apache License 2.0 6 votes  

def return_youtubevideo_params(url): """ returns Youtube Video parameters(FPS, dimensions) directly using Youtube-dl """ ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL( { "outtmpl": "%(id)s%(ext)s", "noplaylist": True, "quiet": True, "format": "bestvideo", } ) with ydl: result = ydl.extract_info( url, download=False ) # We just want to extract the info return (int(result["width"]), int(result["height"]), float(result["fps"]))

Example 8

Project: MusicTools   Author: kalbhor   File: musictools.py    License: MIT License 6 votes  

def download_song(song_url, song_title): """ Download a song using youtube url and song title """ outtmpl = song_title + '.%(ext)s' ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': outtmpl, 'postprocessors': [ {'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio','preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }, {'key': 'FFmpegMetadata'}, ], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: info_dict = ydl.extract_info(song_url, download=True)


Example 9

Project: youtube-dl-GUI   Author: yasoob   File: Download.py    License: MIT License 6 votes  

def download(self): ydl_options = self._prepare_ytd_options() with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_options) as ydl: ydl.add_default_info_extractors() ydl.add_progress_hook(self.hook) try: ydl.download([self.url]) except ( youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError, youtube_dl.utils.ContentTooShortError, youtube_dl.utils.ExtractorError, youtube_dl.utils.UnavailableVideoError ) as e: self.error_occurred = True self.remove_row_signal.emit() self.remove_url_signal.emit(self.url) self.status_bar_signal.emit(str(e))

Example 10

Project: MusicNow   Author: kalbhor   File: command_line.py    License: MIT License 6 votes  

def download_song(song_url, song_title): ''' Downloads song from youtube-dl ''' outtmpl = song_title + '.%(ext)s' ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': outtmpl, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }, {'key': 'FFmpegMetadata'}, ], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: info_dict = ydl.extract_info(song_url, download=True)


Example 11

Project: TG-UserBot   Author: TG-UserBot   File: yt_dl.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def list_formats(info_dict: dict) -> str: """YoutubeDL's list_formats method but without format notes. Args: info_dict (``dict``): Dictionary which is returned by YoutubeDL's extract_info method. Returns: ``str``: All available formats in order as a string instead of stdout. """ formats = info_dict.get('formats', [info_dict]) table = [ [f['format_id'], f['ext'], youtube_dl.YoutubeDL.format_resolution(f)] for f in formats if f.get('preference') is None or f['preference'] >= -1000] if len(formats) > 1: table[-1][-1] += (' ' if table[-1][-1] else '') + '(best)' header_line = ['format code', 'extension', 'resolution'] fmtStr = ( '`Available formats for %s:`\n`%s`' % (info_dict['title'], youtube_dl.render_table(header_line, table)) ) return fmtStr

Example 12

Project: Liked-Saved-Image-Downloader   Author: makuto   File: videoDownloader.py    License: MIT License 6 votes  

def shouldUseYoutubeDl(url): for siteMask in youtubeDlSitesSupported: if siteMask in url: isBlacklisted = False for blacklistSite in youtubeDlBlacklistSites: if blacklistSite in url: isBlacklisted = True break # Use the gfycat api for these, if available # Ever since the creation of RedGifs, use YoutubeDL for all gfycat links... # if settings.settings['Gfycat_Client_id'] and 'gfycat.com' in url: # isBlacklisted = True if isBlacklisted: # We probably have another downloader return False # YoutubeDL should support this site return True return False # Returns (success or failure, output file or failure message)


Example 13

Project: apex-sigma-core   Author: lu-ci   File: music.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def __init__(self, requester, item_info): """ :param requester: The user that queued the item. :type requester: discord.Member :param item_info: Document containing the queued item's details. :type item_info: dict """ self.requester = requester self.item_info = item_info self.url = self.item_info.get('webpage_url') self.video_id = self.item_info.get('id', self.url) self.uploader = self.item_info.get('uploader', 'Unknown') self.title = self.item_info.get('title') self.thumbnail = self.item_info.get('thumbnail', 'https://i.imgur.com/CGPNJDT.png') self.duration = int(self.item_info.get('duration', 0)) self.downloaded = False self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.threads = ThreadPoolExecutor() self.ytdl_params = ytdl_params self.ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ytdl_params) self.token = self.tokenize() self.location = None

Example 14

Project: botamusique   Author: azlux   File: url.py    License: MIT License 6 votes  

def _get_info_from_url(self): self.log.info("url: fetching metadata of url %s " % self.url) ydl_opts = { 'noplaylist': True } succeed = False with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: attempts = var.config.getint('bot', 'download_attempts', fallback=2) for i in range(attempts): try: info = ydl.extract_info(self.url, download=False) self.duration = info['duration'] self.title = info['title'] self.keywords = info['title'] succeed = True return True except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError: pass except KeyError: # info has no 'duration' break if not succeed: self.ready = 'failed' self.log.error("url: error while fetching info from the URL") raise ValidationFailedError(constants.strings('unable_download', item=self.format_title()))

Example 15

Project: TheaterTrailers   Author: Electronickss   File: theaterTrailers.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def videoDownloader(string, passedTitle, yearVar): # Options for the video downloader ydl1_opts = { 'outtmpl': os.path.join(TheaterTrailersHome, 'Trailers', '{0} ({1})'.format(passedTitle, yearVar), '{0} ({1}).mp4'.format(passedTitle, yearVar)), 'ignoreerrors': True, 'format': 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best', } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl1_opts) as ydl: logger.info("downloading {0} from {1}".format(passedTitle, string)) ydl.download([string]) shutil.copy2( os.path.join(trailerLocation, '{0} ({1})'.format(passedTitle, yearVar), '{0} ({1}).mp4'.format(passedTitle, yearVar)), os.path.join(trailerLocation, '{0} ({1})'.format(passedTitle, yearVar), '{0} ({1})-trailer.mp4'.format(passedTitle, yearVar)) ) shutil.copy2( os.path.join(TheaterTrailersHome, 'res', 'poster.jpg'), os.path.join(trailerLocation, '{0} ({1})'.format(passedTitle, yearVar)) ) updatePlex() # Downloads info for the videos from the playlist

Example 16

Project: youtube-dl-webui   Author: d0u9   File: worker.py    License: GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes  

def run(self): self.intercept_ydl_opts() with YoutubeDL(self.ydl_opts) as ydl: try: if self.first_run: info_dict = ydl.extract_info(self.url, download=False) # self.logger.debug(json.dumps(info_dict, indent=4)) info_dict['description'] = info_dict['description'].replace('\n', '<br />'); payload = {'tid': self.tid, 'data': info_dict} self.msg_cli.put('info_dict', payload) self.logger.info('start downloading, url - %s' %(self.url)) ydl.download([self.url]) except DownloadError as e: # url error event_handler = FatalEvent(self.tid, self.msg_cli) event_handler.invalid_url(self.url); self.msg_cli.put('worker_done', {'tid': self.tid, 'data': {}})

Example 17

Project: BotHub   Author: mkaraniya   File: yt_dl.py    License: Apache License 2.0 6 votes  

def list_formats(info_dict: dict) -> str: """YoutubeDL's list_formats method but without format notes. Args: info_dict (``dict``): Dictionary which is returned by YoutubeDL's extract_info method. Returns: ``str``: All available formats in order as a string instead of stdout. """ formats = info_dict.get('formats', [info_dict]) table = [[ f['format_id'], f['ext'], youtube_dl.YoutubeDL.format_resolution(f) ] for f in formats if f.get('preference') is None or f['preference'] >= -1000] if len(formats) > 1: table[-1][-1] += (' ' if table[-1][-1] else '') + '(best)' header_line = ['format code', 'extension', 'resolution'] fmtStr = ( '`Available formats for %s:`\n`%s`' % (info_dict['title'], youtube_dl.render_table(header_line, table))) return fmtStr

Example 18

Project: gallery-dl   Author: mikf   File: ytdl.py    License: GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes  

def __init__(self, job): DownloaderBase.__init__(self, job) extractor = job.extractor retries = self.config("retries", extractor._retries) options = { "format": self.config("format") or None, "ratelimit": text.parse_bytes(self.config("rate"), None), "retries": retries+1 if retries >= 0 else float("inf"), "socket_timeout": self.config("timeout", extractor._timeout), "nocheckcertificate": not self.config("verify", extractor._verify), "nopart": not self.part, "updatetime": self.config("mtime", True), "proxy": extractor.session.proxies.get("http"), } options.update(self.config("raw-options") or {}) if self.config("logging", True): options["logger"] = self.log self.forward_cookies = self.config("forward-cookies", False) outtmpl = self.config("outtmpl") self.outtmpl = DEFAULT_OUTTMPL if outtmpl == "default" else outtmpl self.ytdl = YoutubeDL(options)

Example 19

Project: lynda-video-downloader   Author: 22nds   File: download.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def get_videos(url): """Download all videos in the course. """ # Lynda.com login and video filename options options = { 'username': USERNAME, 'password': PASSWORD, 'outtmpl': u'%(playlist_index)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s', 'writesubtitles': SUBTITLES, 'allsubtitles': SUBTITLES, 'download_archive': ARCHIVE, 'external_downloader': EXTERNAL_DL } try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(options) as ydl: ydl.download([url]) except: print('Could not download the video in course: {}'.format(url))

Example 20

Project: playlistfromsong   Author: schollz   File: playlistfromsong.py    License: MIT License 6 votes  

def downloadURL(url, preferredCodec=None, preferredQuality=None): """ Downloads song using youtube_dl and the song's youtube url. """ codec, quality = getCodecAndQuality() ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'quiet': True, 'no_warnings': True, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': codec, 'preferredquality': quality, }, {'key': 'FFmpegMetadata'}, ], } try: with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: return ydl.extract_info(url, download=True) except: print("Problem downloading " + url) return None

Example 21

Project: music-bot   Author: tafarelyan   File: bot.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def download(title, video_url): ydl_opts = { 'outtmpl': '{}.%(ext)s'.format(title), 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download([video_url]) return { 'audio': open(title + '.mp3', 'rb'), 'title': title, }

Example 22

Project: tubeup   Author: bibanon   File: test_tubeup.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def test_create_basenames_from_ydl_info_dict_playlist(self): ydl = YoutubeDL() result = self.tu.create_basenames_from_ydl_info_dict( ydl, info_dict_playlist) expected_result = set([ 'Live Streaming Rafid Aslam-7gjgkH5iPaE', 'Live Streaming Rafid Aslam-q92kxPm-pqM', 'Cara Membuat Laptop Menjadi Hotspot WiFi Dengan CMD-YjFwMSDNphM', '[CSO] Defeat Boss in Dead End With Thanatos 7-EEm6MwXLse0', 'Cara Bermain Minecraft Multiplayer Dengan LAN-g2vTZ2ka-tM', 'Live Streaming Rafid Aslam-AXhuSS5_9YU', 'Cara Membuat Disk Baru di Komputer-KDOygJnK7Sw', 'Cara Mendownload Lewat Torrent-cC-9RghkvXs'] ) self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)

Example 23

Project: VK-Scraper   Author: vanyasem   File: app.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def determine_max_video_res(item, save_dir): if 'files' in item: if 'mp4_1080' in item['files']: return item['files']['mp4_1080'] if 'mp4_720' in item['files']: return item['files']['mp4_720'] if 'mp4_480' in item['files']: return item['files']['mp4_480'] if 'mp4_360' in item['files']: return item['files']['mp4_360'] if 'mp4_240' in item['files']: return item['files']['mp4_240'] elif 'player' in item: # TODO: parse VK videos here to download user-owned private files ydl_opts = { 'outtmpl': save_dir + '/%(title)s.%(ext)s', 'noplaylist': True, 'logger': VkScraper.VideoLogger(), } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download([item['player']])

Example 24

Project: bulk-downloader-for-reddit   Author: aliparlakci   File: youtube.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes  

def download(self,filename,directory,url): ydl_opts = { "format": "best", "outtmpl": str(directory / (filename + ".%(ext)s")), "progress_hooks": [self._hook], "playlistend": 1, "nooverwrites": True, "quiet": True } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download([url]) location = directory/(filename+".mp4") if GLOBAL.arguments.no_dupes: try: fileHash = createHash(location) except FileNotFoundError: return None if fileHash in GLOBAL.downloadedPosts(): os.remove(location) raise FileAlreadyExistsError GLOBAL.downloadedPosts.add(fileHash)

Example 25

Project: video2commons   Author: toolforge   File: urlextract.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes  

def do_extract_url(url): """Extract a video url.""" params = { 'format': 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': '/dev/null', 'writedescription': True, 'writeinfojson': True, 'writesubtitles': False, 'subtitlesformat': 'srt/ass/vtt/best', 'cachedir': '/tmp/', 'noplaylist': True, # not implemented in video2commons } info = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(params).extract_info(url, download=False) assert 'formats' in info or info.get('direct'), \ 'Your url cannot be processed correctly' ie_key = info['extractor_key'] title = (info.get('title') or '').strip() url = info.get('webpage_url') or url filedesc = FILEDESC_TEMPLATE % { 'desc': _desc(url, ie_key, title, info), 'date': _date(url, ie_key, title, info), 'source': _source(url, ie_key, title, info), 'uploader': _uploader(url, ie_key, title, info), 'license': _license(url, ie_key, title, info) } return { 'url': url, 'extractor': ie_key, 'filedesc': filedesc.strip(), 'filename': sanitize(title) }

Example 26

Project: wuy   Author: manatlan   File: dlyt.py    License: GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes  

def get(self,q): if "http" in q.lower(): u=q.strip() else: u='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+q y = yt.YoutubeDL() return y.extract_info(u, download=False)

Example 27

Project: JJMumbleBot   Author: DuckBoss   File: youtube_helper.py    License: GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes  

def download_specific(index): queue_list = list(YoutubeHelper.queue_instance.queue_storage) if len(queue_list) > 0: youtube_url = queue_list[index]['std_url'] else: return if os.path.isfile(f"{dir_utils.get_temp_med_dir()}/youtube/{queue_list[index]['img_id']}.jpg"): return try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YoutubeHelper.ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.extract_info(youtube_url, download=True) except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError: return return

Example 28

Project: raveberry   Author: raveberry   File: youtube.py    License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes  

def _download(self) -> bool: error = None location = None try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download([self.get_external_url()]) location = self._get_path() base = os.path.splitext(location)[0] thumbnail = base + ".jpg" try: os.remove(thumbnail) except FileNotFoundError: logging.info("tried to delete %s but does not exist", thumbnail) try: # tag the file with replaygain to perform volume normalization subprocess.call( ["rganalysis", location], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass # the rganalysis package was not found. Skip normalization else: raise except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: error = e if error is not None or location is None: logging.error("accessible video could not be downloaded: %s", self.id) logging.error("location: %s", location) logging.error(error) return False return True

Example 29

Project: raveberry   Author: raveberry   File: youtube.py    License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes  

def fetch_metadata(self) -> bool: # in case of a radio playist, restrict the number of songs that are downloaded if self.is_radio(): self.ydl_opts[ "playlistend" ] = self.musiq.base.settings.basic.max_playlist_items try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ydl_opts) as ydl: info_dict = ydl.extract_info(self.id, download=False) except (youtube_dl.utils.ExtractorError, youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError) as e: self.error = e return False if info_dict["_type"] != "playlist" or "entries" not in info_dict: # query was not a playlist url -> search for the query assert False assert self.id == info_dict["id"] if "title" in info_dict: self.title = info_dict["title"] for entry in info_dict["entries"]: self.urls.append("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + entry["id"]) assert self.key is None return True

Example 30

Project: catt   Author: skorokithakis   File: stream_info.py    License: BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes  

def __init__(self, video_url, device_info=None, ytdl_options=None, throw_ytdl_dl_errs=False): self._throw_ytdl_dl_errs = throw_ytdl_dl_errs self.local_ip = get_local_ip(device_info.ip) if device_info else None self.port = random.randrange(45000, 47000) if device_info else None if "://" in video_url: self._ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(dict(ytdl_options) if ytdl_options else DEFAULT_YTDL_OPTS) self._preinfo = self._get_stream_preinfo(video_url) # Some playlist urls needs to be re-processed (such as youtube channel urls). if self._preinfo.get("ie_key"): self._preinfo = self._get_stream_preinfo(self._preinfo["url"]) self.is_local_file = False model = (device_info.manufacturer, device_info.model_name) if device_info else None cast_type = device_info.cast_type if device_info else None if "format" in self._ydl.params: # We pop the "format" item, as it will make get_stream_info fail, # if it holds an invalid value. self._best_format = self._ydl.params.pop("format") elif cast_type and cast_type in AUDIO_DEVICE_TYPES: self._best_format = AUDIO_FORMAT elif model and model in ULTRA_MODELS: self._best_format = ULTRA_FORMAT else: self._best_format = STANDARD_FORMAT if self.is_playlist: self._entries = list(self._preinfo["entries"]) # There appears to be no way to extract both a YouTube video id, # and ditto playlist id in one go (in the case of an url containing both), # so we set the "noplaylist" option and then fetch preinfo again. self._ydl.params.update({"noplaylist": True}) vpreinfo = self._get_stream_preinfo(video_url) self._info = self._get_stream_info(vpreinfo) if "entries" not in vpreinfo else None else: self._info = self._get_stream_info(self._preinfo) else: self._local_file = video_url self.is_local_file = True

Posted by uniqueone




youtube-dl - download videos from youtube.com or other video platforms


To install it right away for all UNIX users (Linux, OS X, etc.), type:

sudo curl https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

If you do not have curl, you can alternatively use a recent wget:

sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

Windows users can download a .exe file and place it in their home directory or any other location on their PATH.

OS X users can install youtube-dl with Homebrew.

brew install youtube-dl

You can also use pip:

sudo pip install youtube-dl

Alternatively, refer to the developer instructions for how to check out and work with the git repository. For further options, including PGP signatures, see https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html .


youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and a few more sites. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.6, 2.7, or 3.2+, and it is not platform specific. It should work on your Unix box, on Windows or on Mac OS X. It is released to the public domain, which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.

youtube-dl [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]


-h, --help Print this help text and exit --version Print program version and exit -U, --update Update this program to latest version. Make sure that you have sufficient permissions (run with sudo if needed) -i, --ignore-errors Continue on download errors, for example to skip unavailable videos in a playlist --abort-on-error Abort downloading of further videos (in the playlist or the command line) if an error occurs --dump-user-agent Display the current browser identification --list-extractors List all supported extractors --extractor-descriptions Output descriptions of all supported extractors --force-generic-extractor Force extraction to use the generic extractor --default-search PREFIX Use this prefix for unqualified URLs. For example "gvsearch2:" downloads two videos from google videos for youtube-dl "large apple". Use the value "auto" to let youtube-dl guess ("auto_warning" to emit a warning when guessing). "error" just throws an error. The default value "fixup_error" repairs broken URLs, but emits an error if this is not possible instead of searching. --ignore-config Do not read configuration files. When given in the global configuration file /etc/youtube-dl.conf: Do not read the user configuration in ~/.config/youtube-dl/config (%APPDATA%/youtube-dl/config.txt on Windows) --flat-playlist Do not extract the videos of a playlist, only list them. --no-color Do not emit color codes in output

Network Options:

--proxy URL Use the specified HTTP/HTTPS proxy. Pass in an empty string (--proxy "") for direct connection --socket-timeout SECONDS Time to wait before giving up, in seconds --source-address IP Client-side IP address to bind to (experimental) -4, --force-ipv4 Make all connections via IPv4 (experimental) -6, --force-ipv6 Make all connections via IPv6 (experimental) --cn-verification-proxy URL Use this proxy to verify the IP address for some Chinese sites. The default proxy specified by --proxy (or none, if the options is not present) is used for the actual downloading. (experimental)

Video Selection:

--playlist-start NUMBER Playlist video to start at (default is 1) --playlist-end NUMBER Playlist video to end at (default is last) --playlist-items ITEM_SPEC Playlist video items to download. Specify indices of the videos in the playlist separated by commas like: "--playlist-items 1,2,5,8" if you want to download videos indexed 1, 2, 5, 8 in the playlist. You can specify range: "--playlist-items 1-3,7,10-13", it will download the videos at index 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13. --match-title REGEX Download only matching titles (regex or caseless sub-string) --reject-title REGEX Skip download for matching titles (regex or caseless sub-string) --max-downloads NUMBER Abort after downloading NUMBER files --min-filesize SIZE Do not download any videos smaller than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m) --max-filesize SIZE Do not download any videos larger than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m) --date DATE Download only videos uploaded in this date --datebefore DATE Download only videos uploaded on or before this date (i.e. inclusive) --dateafter DATE Download only videos uploaded on or after this date (i.e. inclusive) --min-views COUNT Do not download any videos with less than COUNT views --max-views COUNT Do not download any videos with more than COUNT views --match-filter FILTER Generic video filter (experimental). Specify any key (see help for -o for a list of available keys) to match if the key is present, !key to check if the key is not present,key > NUMBER (like "comment_count > 12", also works with >=, <, <=, !=, =) to compare against a number, and & to require multiple matches. Values which are not known are excluded unless you put a question mark (?) after the operator.For example, to only match videos that have been liked more than 100 times and disliked less than 50 times (or the dislike functionality is not available at the given service), but who also have a description, use --match-filter "like_count > 100 & dislike_count <? 50 & description" . --no-playlist Download only the video, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist. --yes-playlist Download the playlist, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist. --age-limit YEARS Download only videos suitable for the given age --download-archive FILE Download only videos not listed in the archive file. Record the IDs of all downloaded videos in it. --include-ads Download advertisements as well (experimental)

Download Options:

-r, --rate-limit LIMIT Maximum download rate in bytes per second (e.g. 50K or 4.2M) -R, --retries RETRIES Number of retries (default is 10), or "infinite". --buffer-size SIZE Size of download buffer (e.g. 1024 or 16K) (default is 1024) --no-resize-buffer Do not automatically adjust the buffer size. By default, the buffer size is automatically resized from an initial value of SIZE. --playlist-reverse Download playlist videos in reverse order --xattr-set-filesize Set file xattribute ytdl.filesize with expected filesize (experimental) --hls-prefer-native Use the native HLS downloader instead of ffmpeg (experimental) --external-downloader COMMAND Use the specified external downloader. Currently supports aria2c,axel,curl,httpie,wget --external-downloader-args ARGS Give these arguments to the external downloader

Filesystem Options:

-a, --batch-file FILE File containing URLs to download ('-' for stdin) --id Use only video ID in file name -o, --output TEMPLATE Output filename template. Use %(title)s to get the title, %(uploader)s for the uploader name, %(uploader_id)s for the uploader nickname if different, %(autonumber)s to get an automatically incremented number, %(ext)s for the filename extension, %(format)s for the format description (like "22 - 1280x720" or "HD"), %(format_id)s for the unique id of the format (like YouTube's itags: "137"), %(upload_date)s for the upload date (YYYYMMDD), %(extractor)s for the provider (youtube, metacafe, etc), %(id)s for the video id, %(playlist_title)s, %(playlist_id)s, or %(playlist)s (=title if present, ID otherwise) for the playlist the video is in, %(playlist_index)s for the position in the playlist. %(height)s and %(width)s for the width and height of the video format. %(resolution)s for a textual description of the resolution of the video format. %% for a literal percent. Use - to output to stdout. Can also be used to download to a different directory, for example with -o '/my/downloads/%(uploader)s/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s' . --autonumber-size NUMBER Specify the number of digits in %(autonumber)s when it is present in output filename template or --auto-number option is given --restrict-filenames Restrict filenames to only ASCII characters, and avoid "&" and spaces in filenames -A, --auto-number [deprecated; use -o "%(autonumber)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s" ] Number downloaded files starting from 00000 -t, --title [deprecated] Use title in file name (default) -l, --literal [deprecated] Alias of --title -w, --no-overwrites Do not overwrite files -c, --continue Force resume of partially downloaded files. By default, youtube-dl will resume downloads if possible. --no-continue Do not resume partially downloaded files (restart from beginning) --no-part Do not use .part files - write directly into output file --no-mtime Do not use the Last-modified header to set the file modification time --write-description Write video description to a .description file --write-info-json Write video metadata to a .info.json file --write-annotations Write video annotations to a .annotations.xml file --load-info FILE JSON file containing the video information (created with the "--write-info-json" option) --cookies FILE File to read cookies from and dump cookie jar in --cache-dir DIR Location in the filesystem where youtube-dl can store some downloaded information permanently. By default $XDG_CACHE_HOME/youtube-dl or ~/.cache/youtube-dl . At the moment, only YouTube player files (for videos with obfuscated signatures) are cached, but that may change. --no-cache-dir Disable filesystem caching --rm-cache-dir Delete all filesystem cache files

Thumbnail images:

--write-thumbnail Write thumbnail image to disk --write-all-thumbnails Write all thumbnail image formats to disk --list-thumbnails Simulate and list all available thumbnail formats

Verbosity / Simulation Options:

-q, --quiet Activate quiet mode --no-warnings Ignore warnings -s, --simulate Do not download the video and do not write anything to disk --skip-download Do not download the video -g, --get-url Simulate, quiet but print URL -e, --get-title Simulate, quiet but print title --get-id Simulate, quiet but print id --get-thumbnail Simulate, quiet but print thumbnail URL --get-description Simulate, quiet but print video description --get-duration Simulate, quiet but print video length --get-filename Simulate, quiet but print output filename --get-format Simulate, quiet but print output format -j, --dump-json Simulate, quiet but print JSON information. See --output for a description of available keys. -J, --dump-single-json Simulate, quiet but print JSON information for each command-line argument. If the URL refers to a playlist, dump the whole playlist information in a single line. --print-json Be quiet and print the video information as JSON (video is still being downloaded). --newline Output progress bar as new lines --no-progress Do not print progress bar --console-title Display progress in console titlebar -v, --verbose Print various debugging information --dump-pages Print downloaded pages encoded using base64 to debug problems (very verbose) --write-pages Write downloaded intermediary pages to files in the current directory to debug problems --print-traffic Display sent and read HTTP traffic -C, --call-home Contact the youtube-dl server for debugging --no-call-home Do NOT contact the youtube-dl server for debugging


--encoding ENCODING Force the specified encoding (experimental) --no-check-certificate Suppress HTTPS certificate validation --prefer-insecure Use an unencrypted connection to retrieve information about the video. (Currently supported only for YouTube) --user-agent UA Specify a custom user agent --referer URL Specify a custom referer, use if the video access is restricted to one domain --add-header FIELD:VALUE Specify a custom HTTP header and its value, separated by a colon ':'. You can use this option multiple times --bidi-workaround Work around terminals that lack bidirectional text support. Requires bidiv or fribidi executable in PATH --sleep-interval SECONDS Number of seconds to sleep before each download.

Video Format Options:

-f, --format FORMAT Video format code, see the "FORMAT SELECTION" for all the info --all-formats Download all available video formats --prefer-free-formats Prefer free video formats unless a specific one is requested -F, --list-formats List all available formats --youtube-skip-dash-manifest Do not download the DASH manifests and related data on YouTube videos --merge-output-format FORMAT If a merge is required (e.g. bestvideo+bestaudio), output to given container format. One of mkv, mp4, ogg, webm, flv. Ignored if no merge is required

Subtitle Options:

--write-sub Write subtitle file --write-auto-sub Write automatic subtitle file (YouTube only) --all-subs Download all the available subtitles of the video --list-subs List all available subtitles for the video --sub-format FORMAT Subtitle format, accepts formats preference, for example: "srt" or "ass/srt/best" --sub-lang LANGS Languages of the subtitles to download (optional) separated by commas, use IETF language tags like 'en,pt'

Authentication Options:

-u, --username USERNAME Login with this account ID -p, --password PASSWORD Account password. If this option is left out, youtube-dl will ask interactively. -2, --twofactor TWOFACTOR Two-factor auth code -n, --netrc Use .netrc authentication data --video-password PASSWORD Video password (vimeo, smotri, youku)

Post-processing Options:

-x, --extract-audio Convert video files to audio-only files (requires ffmpeg or avconv and ffprobe or avprobe) --audio-format FORMAT Specify audio format: "best", "aac", "vorbis", "mp3", "m4a", "opus", or "wav"; "best" by default --audio-quality QUALITY Specify ffmpeg/avconv audio quality, insert a value between 0 (better) and 9 (worse) for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K (default 5) --recode-video FORMAT Encode the video to another format if necessary (currently supported: mp4|flv|ogg|webm|mkv|avi) --postprocessor-args ARGS Give these arguments to the postprocessor -k, --keep-video Keep the video file on disk after the post-processing; the video is erased by default --no-post-overwrites Do not overwrite post-processed files; the post-processed files are overwritten by default --embed-subs Embed subtitles in the video (only for mkv and mp4 videos) --embed-thumbnail Embed thumbnail in the audio as cover art --add-metadata Write metadata to the video file --metadata-from-title FORMAT Parse additional metadata like song title / artist from the video title. The format syntax is the same as --output, the parsed parameters replace existing values. Additional templates: %(album)s, %(artist)s. Example: --metadata-from-title "%(artist)s - %(title)s" matches a title like "Coldplay - Paradise" --xattrs Write metadata to the video file's xattrs (using dublin core and xdg standards) --fixup POLICY Automatically correct known faults of the file. One of never (do nothing), warn (only emit a warning), detect_or_warn (the default; fix file if we can, warn otherwise) --prefer-avconv Prefer avconv over ffmpeg for running the postprocessors (default) --prefer-ffmpeg Prefer ffmpeg over avconv for running the postprocessors --ffmpeg-location PATH Location of the ffmpeg/avconv binary; either the path to the binary or its containing directory. --exec CMD Execute a command on the file after downloading, similar to find's -exec syntax. Example: --exec 'adb push {} /sdcard/Music/ && rm {}' --convert-subtitles FORMAT Convert the subtitles to other format (currently supported: srt|ass|vtt)


You can configure youtube-dl by placing any supported command line option to a configuration file. On Linux, system wide configuration file is located at /etc/youtube-dl.conf and user wide configuration file at ~/.config/youtube-dl/config. On Windows, the user wide configuration file locations are %APPDATA%\youtube-dl\config.txt or C:\Users\<user name>\youtube-dl.conf. For example, with the following configration file youtube-dl will always extract the audio, not copy the mtime and use proxy:

--extract-audio --no-mtime --proxy

You can use --ignore-config if you want to disable configuration file for a particular youtube-dl run.

Authentication with .netrc file

You may also want to configure automatic credentials storage for extractors that support authentication (by providing login and password with --username and --password) in order not to pass credentials as command line arguments on every youtube-dl execution and prevent tracking plain text passwords in shell command history. You can achieve this using .netrc file on per extractor basis. For that you will need to create .netrc file in your $HOME and restrict permissions to read/write by you only:

touch $HOME/.netrc chmod a-rwx,u+rw $HOME/.netrc

After that you can add credentials for extractor in the following format, where extractor is the name of extractor in lowercase:

machine <extractor> login <login> password <password>

For example:

machine youtube login myaccount@gmail.com password my_youtube_password machine twitch login my_twitch_account_name password my_twitch_password

To activate authentication with .netrc file you should pass --netrc to youtube-dl or place it in configuration file.

On Windows you may also need to setup %HOME% environment variable manually.


The -o option allows users to indicate a template for the output file names. The basic usage is not to set any template arguments when downloading a single file, like in youtube-dl -o funny_video.flv "http://some/video". However, it may contain special sequences that will be replaced when downloading each video. The special sequences have the format %(NAME)s. To clarify, that is a percent symbol followed by a name in parenthesis, followed by a lowercase S. Allowed names are:

  • id: The sequence will be replaced by the video identifier.
  • url: The sequence will be replaced by the video URL.
  • uploader: The sequence will be replaced by the nickname of the person who uploaded the video.
  • upload_date: The sequence will be replaced by the upload date in YYYYMMDD format.
  • title: The sequence will be replaced by the video title.
  • ext: The sequence will be replaced by the appropriate extension (like flv or mp4).
  • epoch: The sequence will be replaced by the Unix epoch when creating the file.
  • autonumber: The sequence will be replaced by a five-digit number that will be increased with each download, starting at zero.
  • playlist: The sequence will be replaced by the name or the id of the playlist that contains the video.
  • playlist_index: The sequence will be replaced by the index of the video in the playlist padded with leading zeros according to the total length of the playlist.
  • format_id: The sequence will be replaced by the format code specified by --format.
  • duration: The sequence will be replaced by the length of the video in seconds.

The current default template is %(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s.

In some cases, you don't want special characters such as 中, spaces, or &, such as when transferring the downloaded filename to a Windows system or the filename through an 8bit-unsafe channel. In these cases, add the --restrict-filenames flag to get a shorter title:

$ youtube-dl --get-filename -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" BaW_jenozKc youtube-dl test video ''_ä↭𝕐.mp4 # All kinds of weird characters $ youtube-dl --get-filename -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" BaW_jenozKc --restrict-filenames youtube-dl_test_video_.mp4 # A simple file name


By default youtube-dl tries to download the best quality, but sometimes you may want to download other format. The simplest case is requesting a specific format, for example -f 22. You can get the list of available formats using --list-formats, you can also use a file extension (currently it supports aac, m4a, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, webm) or the special names best, bestvideo, bestaudio and worst.

If you want to download multiple videos and they don't have the same formats available, you can specify the order of preference using slashes, as in -f 22/17/18. You can also filter the video results by putting a condition in brackets, as in -f "best[height=720]" (or -f "[filesize>10M]"). This works for filesize, height, width, tbr, abr, vbr, asr, and fps and the comparisons <, <=, >, >=, =, != and for ext, acodec, vcodec, container, and protocol and the comparisons =, != . Formats for which the value is not known are excluded unless you put a question mark (?) after the operator. You can combine format filters, so -f "[height <=? 720][tbr>500]" selects up to 720p videos (or videos where the height is not known) with a bitrate of at least 500 KBit/s. Use commas to download multiple formats, such as -f 136/137/mp4/bestvideo,140/m4a/bestaudio. You can merge the video and audio of two formats into a single file using -f <video-format>+<audio-format> (requires ffmpeg or avconv), for example -f bestvideo+bestaudio. Format selectors can also be grouped using parentheses, for example if you want to download the best mp4 and webm formats with a height lower than 480 you can use -f '(mp4,webm)[height<480]'.

Since the end of April 2015 and version 2015.04.26 youtube-dl uses -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best as default format selection (see #5447, #5456). If ffmpeg or avconv are installed this results in downloading bestvideo and bestaudio separately and muxing them together into a single file giving the best overall quality available. Otherwise it falls back to best and results in downloading best available quality served as a single file. best is also needed for videos that don't come from YouTube because they don't provide the audio and video in two different files. If you want to only download some dash formats (for example if you are not interested in getting videos with a resolution higher than 1080p), you can add -f bestvideo[height<=?1080]+bestaudio/best to your configuration file. Note that if you use youtube-dl to stream to stdout (and most likely to pipe it to your media player then), i.e. you explicitly specify output template as -o -, youtube-dl still uses -f best format selection in order to start content delivery immediately to your player and not to wait until bestvideo and bestaudio are downloaded and muxed.

If you want to preserve the old format selection behavior (prior to youtube-dl 2015.04.26), i.e. you want to download best available quality media served as a single file, you should explicitly specify your choice with -f best. You may want to add it to the configuration file in order not to type it every time you run youtube-dl.


Videos can be filtered by their upload date using the options --date, --datebefore or --dateafter, they accept dates in two formats:

  • Absolute dates: Dates in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • Relative dates: Dates in the format (now|today)[+-][0-9](day|week|month|year)(s)?


# Download only the videos uploaded in the last 6 months $ youtube-dl --dateafter now-6months # Download only the videos uploaded on January 1, 1970 $ youtube-dl --date 19700101 $ # will only download the videos uploaded in the 200x decade $ youtube-dl --dateafter 20000101 --datebefore 20091231


How do I update youtube-dl?

If you've followed our manual installation instructions, you can simply run youtube-dl -U (or, on Linux, sudo youtube-dl -U).

If you have used pip, a simple sudo pip install -U youtube-dl is sufficient to update.

If you have installed youtube-dl using a package manager like apt-get or yum, use the standard system update mechanism to update. Note that distribution packages are often outdated. As a rule of thumb, youtube-dl releases at least once a month, and often weekly or even daily. Simply go to http://yt-dl.org/ to find out the current version. Unfortunately, there is nothing we youtube-dl developers can do if your distributions serves a really outdated version. You can (and should) complain to your distribution in their bugtracker or support forum.

As a last resort, you can also uninstall the version installed by your package manager and follow our manual installation instructions. For that, remove the distribution's package, with a line like

sudo apt-get remove -y youtube-dl

Afterwards, simply follow our manual installation instructions:

sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl hash -r

Again, from then on you'll be able to update with sudo youtube-dl -U.

I'm getting an error Unable to extract OpenGraph title on YouTube playlists

YouTube changed their playlist format in March 2014 and later on, so you'll need at least youtube-dl 2014.07.25 to download all YouTube videos.

If you have installed youtube-dl with a package manager, pip, setup.py or a tarball, please use that to update. Note that Ubuntu packages do not seem to get updated anymore. Since we are not affiliated with Ubuntu, there is little we can do. Feel free to report bugs to the Ubuntu packaging guys - all they have to do is update the package to a somewhat recent version. See above for a way to update.

Do I always have to pass -citw?

By default, youtube-dl intends to have the best options (incidentally, if you have a convincing case that these should be different, please file an issue where you explain that). Therefore, it is unnecessary and sometimes harmful to copy long option strings from webpages. In particular, the only option out of -citw that is regularly useful is -i.

Can you please put the -b option back?

Most people asking this question are not aware that youtube-dl now defaults to downloading the highest available quality as reported by YouTube, which will be 1080p or 720p in some cases, so you no longer need the -b option. For some specific videos, maybe YouTube does not report them to be available in a specific high quality format you're interested in. In that case, simply request it with the -f option and youtube-dl will try to download it.

I get HTTP error 402 when trying to download a video. What's this?

Apparently YouTube requires you to pass a CAPTCHA test if you download too much. We're considering to provide a way to let you solve the CAPTCHA, but at the moment, your best course of action is pointing a webbrowser to the youtube URL, solving the CAPTCHA, and restart youtube-dl.

I have downloaded a video but how can I play it?

Once the video is fully downloaded, use any video player, such as vlc or mplayer.

I extracted a video URL with -g, but it does not play on another machine / in my webbrowser.

It depends a lot on the service. In many cases, requests for the video (to download/play it) must come from the same IP address and with the same cookies. Use the --cookies option to write the required cookies into a file, and advise your downloader to read cookies from that file. Some sites also require a common user agent to be used, use --dump-user-agent to see the one in use by youtube-dl.

It may be beneficial to use IPv6; in some cases, the restrictions are only applied to IPv4. Some services (sometimes only for a subset of videos) do not restrict the video URL by IP address, cookie, or user-agent, but these are the exception rather than the rule.

Please bear in mind that some URL protocols are not supported by browsers out of the box, including RTMP. If you are using -g, your own downloader must support these as well.

If you want to play the video on a machine that is not running youtube-dl, you can relay the video content from the machine that runs youtube-dl. You can use -o - to let youtube-dl stream a video to stdout, or simply allow the player to download the files written by youtube-dl in turn.

ERROR: no fmt_url_map or conn information found in video info

YouTube has switched to a new video info format in July 2011 which is not supported by old versions of youtube-dl. See above for how to update youtube-dl.

ERROR: unable to download video

YouTube requires an additional signature since September 2012 which is not supported by old versions of youtube-dl. See above for how to update youtube-dl.

Video URL contains an ampersand and I'm getting some strange output [1] 2839 or 'v' is not recognized as an internal or external command

That's actually the output from your shell. Since ampersand is one of the special shell characters it's interpreted by shell preventing you from passing the whole URL to youtube-dl. To disable your shell from interpreting the ampersands (or any other special characters) you have to either put the whole URL in quotes or escape them with a backslash (which approach will work depends on your shell).

For example if your URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=BaW_jenozKc you should end up with following command:

youtube-dl 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=BaW_jenozKc'


youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4\&v=BaW_jenozKc

For Windows you have to use the double quotes:

youtube-dl "https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=BaW_jenozKc"

ExtractorError: Could not find JS function u'OF'

In February 2015, the new YouTube player contained a character sequence in a string that was misinterpreted by old versions of youtube-dl. See above for how to update youtube-dl.

HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests or 402: Payment Required

These two error codes indicate that the service is blocking your IP address because of overuse. Contact the service and ask them to unblock your IP address, or - if you have acquired a whitelisted IP address already - use the --proxy or --source-address options to select another IP address.

SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character

The error

File "youtube-dl", line 2 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\x93' ...

means you're using an outdated version of Python. Please update to Python 2.6 or 2.7.

What is this binary file? Where has the code gone?

Since June 2012 (#342) youtube-dl is packed as an executable zipfile, simply unzip it (might need renaming to youtube-dl.zip first on some systems) or clone the git repository, as laid out above. If you modify the code, you can run it by executing the __main__.py file. To recompile the executable, run make youtube-dl.

The exe throws a Runtime error from Visual C++

To run the exe you need to install first the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package.

On Windows, how should I set up ffmpeg and youtube-dl? Where should I put the exe files?

If you put youtube-dl and ffmpeg in the same directory that you're running the command from, it will work, but that's rather cumbersome.

To make a different directory work - either for ffmpeg, or for youtube-dl, or for both - simply create the directory (say, C:\bin, or C:\Users\<User name>\bin), put all the executables directly in there, and then set your PATH environment variable to include that directory.

From then on, after restarting your shell, you will be able to access both youtube-dl and ffmpeg (and youtube-dl will be able to find ffmpeg) by simply typing youtube-dl or ffmpeg, no matter what directory you're in.

How do I put downloads into a specific folder?

Use the -o to specify an output template, for example -o "/home/user/videos/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s". If you want this for all of your downloads, put the option into your configuration file.

How do I download a video starting with a - ?

Either prepend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= or separate the ID from the options with --:

youtube-dl -- -wNyEUrxzFU youtube-dl "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wNyEUrxzFU"

How do I pass cookies to youtube-dl?

Use the --cookies option, for example --cookies /path/to/cookies/file.txt. Note that cookies file must be in Mozilla/Netscape format and the first line of cookies file must be either # HTTP Cookie File or # Netscape HTTP Cookie File. Make sure you have correct newline format in cookies file and convert newlines if necessary to correspond your OS, namely CRLF (\r\n) for Windows, LF (\n) for Linux and CR (\r) for Mac OS. HTTP Error 400: Bad Request when using --cookies is a good sign of invalid newline format.

Passing cookies to youtube-dl is a good way to workaround login when particular extractor does not implement it explicitly.

Can you add support for this anime video site, or site which shows current movies for free?

As a matter of policy (as well as legality), youtube-dl does not include support for services that specialize in infringing copyright. As a rule of thumb, if you cannot easily find a video that the service is quite obviously allowed to distribute (i.e. that has been uploaded by the creator, the creator's distributor, or is published under a free license), the service is probably unfit for inclusion to youtube-dl.

A note on the service that they don't host the infringing content, but just link to those who do, is evidence that the service should not be included into youtube-dl. The same goes for any DMCA note when the whole front page of the service is filled with videos they are not allowed to distribute. A "fair use" note is equally unconvincing if the service shows copyright-protected videos in full without authorization.

Support requests for services that do purchase the rights to distribute their content are perfectly fine though. If in doubt, you can simply include a source that mentions the legitimate purchase of content.

How can I speed up work on my issue?

(Also known as: Help, my important issue not being solved!) The youtube-dl core developer team is quite small. While we do our best to solve as many issues as possible, sometimes that can take quite a while. To speed up your issue, here's what you can do:

First of all, please do report the issue at our issue tracker. That allows us to coordinate all efforts by users and developers, and serves as a unified point. Unfortunately, the youtube-dl project has grown too large to use personal email as an effective communication channel.

Please read the bug reporting instructions below. A lot of bugs lack all the necessary information. If you can, offer proxy, VPN, or shell access to the youtube-dl developers. If you are able to, test the issue from multiple computers in multiple countries to exclude local censorship or misconfiguration issues.

If nobody is interested in solving your issue, you are welcome to take matters into your own hands and submit a pull request (or coerce/pay somebody else to do so).

Feel free to bump the issue from time to time by writing a small comment ("Issue is still present in youtube-dl version ...from France, but fixed from Belgium"), but please not more than once a month. Please do not declare your issue as important or urgent.

How can I detect whether a given URL is supported by youtube-dl?

For one, have a look at the list of supported sites. Note that it can sometimes happen that the site changes its URL scheme (say, from http://example.com/video/1234567 to http://example.com/v/1234567 ) and youtube-dl reports an URL of a service in that list as unsupported. In that case, simply report a bug.

It is not possible to detect whether a URL is supported or not. That's because youtube-dl contains a generic extractor which matches all URLs. You may be tempted to disable, exclude, or remove the generic extractor, but the generic extractor not only allows users to extract videos from lots of websites that embed a video from another service, but may also be used to extract video from a service that it's hosting itself. Therefore, we neither recommend nor support disabling, excluding, or removing the generic extractor.

If you want to find out whether a given URL is supported, simply call youtube-dl with it. If you get no videos back, chances are the URL is either not referring to a video or unsupported. You can find out which by examining the output (if you run youtube-dl on the console) or catching an UnsupportedError exception if you run it from a Python program.


Most users do not need to build youtube-dl and can download the builds or get them from their distribution.

To run youtube-dl as a developer, you don't need to build anything either. Simply execute

python -m youtube_dl

To run the test, simply invoke your favorite test runner, or execute a test file directly; any of the following work:

python -m unittest discover python test/test_download.py nosetests

If you want to create a build of youtube-dl yourself, you'll need

  • python
  • make
  • pandoc
  • zip
  • nosetests

Adding support for a new site

If you want to add support for a new site, you can follow this quick list (assuming your service is called yourextractor):

  1. Fork this repository

  2. Check out the source code with git clone git@github.com:YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/youtube-dl.git

  3. Start a new git branch with cd youtube-dl; git checkout -b yourextractor

  4. Start with this simple template and save it to youtube_dl/extractor/yourextractor.py:

    # coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from .common import InfoExtractor class YourExtractorIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?yourextractor\.com/watch/(?P<id>[0-9]+)' _TEST = { 'url': 'http://yourextractor.com/watch/42', 'md5': 'TODO: md5 sum of the first 10241 bytes of the video file (use --test)', 'info_dict': { 'id': '42', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Video title goes here', 'thumbnail': 're:^https?://.*\.jpg$', # TODO more properties, either as: # * A value # * MD5 checksum; start the string with md5: # * A regular expression; start the string with re: # * Any Python type (for example int or float) } } def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) # TODO more code goes here, for example ... title = self._html_search_regex(r'<h1>(.*?)</h1>', webpage, 'title') return { 'id': video_id, 'title': title, 'description': self._og_search_description(webpage), # TODO more properties (see youtube_dl/extractor/common.py) }

  5. Add an import in youtube_dl/extractor/__init__.py.

  6. Run python test/test_download.py TestDownload.test_YourExtractor. This should fail at first, but you can continually re-run it until you're done. If you decide to add more than one test, then rename _TEST to _TESTS and make it into a list of dictionaries. The tests will be then be named TestDownload.test_YourExtractor, TestDownload.test_YourExtractor_1, TestDownload.test_YourExtractor_2, etc.

  7. Have a look at youtube_dl/extractor/common.py for possible helper methods and a detailed description of what your extractor should and may return. Add tests and code for as many as you want.

  8. If you can, check the code with flake8.

  9. When the tests pass, add the new files and commit them and push the result, like this:

    $ git add youtube_dl/extractor/__init__.py $ git add youtube_dl/extractor/yourextractor.py $ git commit -m '[yourextractor] Add new extractor' $ git push origin yourextractor

  10. Finally, create a pull request. We'll then review and merge it.

In any case, thank you very much for your contributions!


youtube-dl makes the best effort to be a good command-line program, and thus should be callable from any programming language. If you encounter any problems parsing its output, feel free to create a report.

From a Python program, you can embed youtube-dl in a more powerful fashion, like this:

from __future__ import unicode_literals import youtube_dl ydl_opts = {} with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download(['http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc'])

Most likely, you'll want to use various options. For a list of what can be done, have a look at youtube_dl/YoutubeDL.py. For a start, if you want to intercept youtube-dl's output, set a logger object.

Here's a more complete example of a program that outputs only errors (and a short message after the download is finished), and downloads/converts the video to an mp3 file:

from __future__ import unicode_literals import youtube_dl class MyLogger(object): def debug(self, msg): pass def warning(self, msg): pass def error(self, msg): print(msg) def my_hook(d): if d['status'] == 'finished': print('Done downloading, now converting ...') ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], 'logger': MyLogger(), 'progress_hooks': [my_hook], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download(['http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc'])


Bugs and suggestions should be reported at: https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues . Unless you were prompted so or there is another pertinent reason (e.g. GitHub fails to accept the bug report), please do not send bug reports via personal email. For discussions, join us in the irc channel #youtube-dl on freenode.

Please include the full output of youtube-dl when run with -v.

The output (including the first lines) contain important debugging information. Issues without the full output are often not reproducible and therefore do not get solved in short order, if ever.

Please re-read your issue once again to avoid a couple of common mistakes (you can and should use this as a checklist):

Is the description of the issue itself sufficient?

We often get issue reports that we cannot really decipher. While in most cases we eventually get the required information after asking back multiple times, this poses an unnecessary drain on our resources. Many contributors, including myself, are also not native speakers, so we may misread some parts.

So please elaborate on what feature you are requesting, or what bug you want to be fixed. Make sure that it's obvious

  • What the problem is
  • How it could be fixed
  • How your proposed solution would look like

If your report is shorter than two lines, it is almost certainly missing some of these, which makes it hard for us to respond to it. We're often too polite to close the issue outright, but the missing info makes misinterpretation likely. As a commiter myself, I often get frustrated by these issues, since the only possible way for me to move forward on them is to ask for clarification over and over.

For bug reports, this means that your report should contain the complete output of youtube-dl when called with the -v flag. The error message you get for (most) bugs even says so, but you would not believe how many of our bug reports do not contain this information.

If your server has multiple IPs or you suspect censorship, adding --call-home may be a good idea to get more diagnostics. If the error is ERROR: Unable to extract ... and you cannot reproduce it from multiple countries, add --dump-pages (warning: this will yield a rather large output, redirect it to the file log.txt by adding >log.txt 2>&1 to your command-line) or upload the .dump files you get when you add --write-pages somewhere.

Site support requests must contain an example URL. An example URL is a URL you might want to download, like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc . There should be an obvious video present. Except under very special circumstances, the main page of a video service (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/ ) is not an example URL.

Are you using the latest version?

Before reporting any issue, type youtube-dl -U. This should report that you're up-to-date. About 20% of the reports we receive are already fixed, but people are using outdated versions. This goes for feature requests as well.

Is the issue already documented?

Make sure that someone has not already opened the issue you're trying to open. Search at the top of the window or at https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/search?type=Issues . If there is an issue, feel free to write something along the lines of "This affects me as well, with version 2015.01.01. Here is some more information on the issue: ...". While some issues may be old, a new post into them often spurs rapid activity.

Why are existing options not enough?

Before requesting a new feature, please have a quick peek at the list of supported options. Many feature requests are for features that actually exist already! Please, absolutely do show off your work in the issue report and detail how the existing similar options do not solve your problem.

Is there enough context in your bug report?

People want to solve problems, and often think they do us a favor by breaking down their larger problems (e.g. wanting to skip already downloaded files) to a specific request (e.g. requesting us to look whether the file exists before downloading the info page). However, what often happens is that they break down the problem into two steps: One simple, and one impossible (or extremely complicated one).

We are then presented with a very complicated request when the original problem could be solved far easier, e.g. by recording the downloaded video IDs in a separate file. To avoid this, you must include the greater context where it is non-obvious. In particular, every feature request that does not consist of adding support for a new site should contain a use case scenario that explains in what situation the missing feature would be useful.

Does the issue involve one problem, and one problem only?

Some of our users seem to think there is a limit of issues they can or should open. There is no limit of issues they can or should open. While it may seem appealing to be able to dump all your issues into one ticket, that means that someone who solves one of your issues cannot mark the issue as closed. Typically, reporting a bunch of issues leads to the ticket lingering since nobody wants to attack that behemoth, until someone mercifully splits the issue into multiple ones.

In particular, every site support request issue should only pertain to services at one site (generally under a common domain, but always using the same backend technology). Do not request support for vimeo user videos, Whitehouse podcasts, and Google Plus pages in the same issue. Also, make sure that you don't post bug reports alongside feature requests. As a rule of thumb, a feature request does not include outputs of youtube-dl that are not immediately related to the feature at hand. Do not post reports of a network error alongside the request for a new video service.

Is anyone going to need the feature?

Only post features that you (or an incapacitated friend you can personally talk to) require. Do not post features because they seem like a good idea. If they are really useful, they will be requested by someone who requires them.

Is your question about youtube-dl?

It may sound strange, but some bug reports we receive are completely unrelated to youtube-dl and relate to a different or even the reporter's own application. Please make sure that you are actually using youtube-dl. If you are using a UI for youtube-dl, report the bug to the maintainer of the actual application providing the UI. On the other hand, if your UI for youtube-dl fails in some way you believe is related to youtube-dl, by all means, go ahead and report the bug.


youtube-dl is released into the public domain by the copyright holders.

This README file was originally written by Daniel Bolton (https://github.com/dbbolton) and is likewise released into the public domain.

Posted by uniqueone

ffmpeg의 bin폴더내의 3개 파일(ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe, ffprobe.exe)이 파이썬 메인 파일과 같은 폴더에 있다고 가정한다.




- 유뷰브 주소가 'https://youtu.be/gRyJZYOEQ9Y'인 동영상 다운 받으려면 아래와 같이 입력한다

'youtube-dl ytsearch:YgtL4S7Hrwo'

(venv10) E:\youtube_download>youtube-dl YgtL4S7Hrwo
[youtube] YgtL4S7Hrwo: Downloading webpage
[download] Destination: Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.f247.webm
[download] 100% of 113.05MiB in 00:08
[download] Destination: Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.f251.webm
[download] 100% of 35.72MiB in 00:02
[ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.webm"
Deleting original file Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.f247.webm (pass -k to keep)
Deleting original file Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.f251.webm (pass -k to keep)

- 유뷰브 주소가 'https://youtu.be/gRyJZYOEQ9Y'인 동영상의 다운 가능한 video와 audio 포맷 정보 보려면 아래와 같이 입력한다

'youtube-dl ytsearch:YgtL4S7Hrwo --list-formats'

(venv10) E:\youtube_download>youtube-dl YgtL4S7Hrwo --list-formats
[youtube] YgtL4S7Hrwo: Downloading webpage
[info] Available formats for YgtL4S7Hrwo:
format code  extension  resolution note
249          webm       audio only tiny   51k , opus @ 50k (48000Hz), 15.13MiB
250          webm       audio only tiny   72k , opus @ 70k (48000Hz), 19.61MiB
140          m4a        audio only tiny  129k , m4a_dash container, mp4a.40.2@128k (44100Hz), 38.38MiB
251          webm       audio only tiny  130k , opus @160k (48000Hz), 35.72MiB
160          mp4        256x144    144p   34k , avc1.4d400c, 30fps, video only, 4.08MiB
278          webm       256x144    144p   54k , webm container, vp9, 30fps, video only, 9.75MiB
133          mp4        426x240    240p   56k , avc1.4d4015, 30fps, video only, 7.01MiB
242          webm       426x240    240p   85k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 13.77MiB
134          mp4        640x360    360p  114k , avc1.4d401e, 30fps, video only, 13.50MiB
243          webm       640x360    360p  156k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 24.85MiB
135          mp4        854x480    480p  202k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only, 24.01MiB
244          webm       854x480    480p  292k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 38.34MiB
136          mp4        1280x720   720p  410k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only, 45.66MiB
247          webm       1280x720   720p  868k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 113.05MiB
22           mp4        1280x720   720p  277k , avc1.64001F, 30fps, mp4a.40.2@192k (44100Hz)
18           mp4        640x360    360p  310k , avc1.42001E, 30fps, mp4a.40.2@ 96k (44100Hz), 93.77MiB (best)

- 위 리스트 중 249 포맷 코드 다운 받으려면 아래와 같이

(venv10) E:\youtube_download>youtube-dl YgtL4S7Hrwo -f 249
[youtube] YgtL4S7Hrwo: Downloading webpage
[download] Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.webm has already been downloaded
[download] 100% of 148.77MiB

- '-f worst'를 쓰면 가장 안좋은 품질이 다운된다는데, 좋은 품질이 다운된다. 어떻게 된거지?

(venv10) E:\youtube_download>youtube-dl YgtL4S7Hrwo -f worst
[youtube] YgtL4S7Hrwo: Downloading webpage
[download] Destination: Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.mp4
[download] 100% of 83.80MiB in 00:05

- 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 YgtL4S7Hrwo'이라고 하면 mp3가 다운되는데, 오디오 품질은 가변(various) 품질이다. 

(venv10) E:\youtube_download>youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 YgtL4S7Hrwo
[youtube] YgtL4S7Hrwo: Downloading webpage
[download] Destination: Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.webm
[download] 100% of 35.72MiB in 00:02
[ffmpeg] Destination: Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.mp3
Deleting original file Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.webm (pass -k to keep)

- 특정 오디오 품질로 하려면, 예를 들어 64kbps로 하려면 '--audio-quality 64k'를 넣어준다

(venv10) E:\youtube_download>youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 64k YgtL4S7Hrwo
[youtube] YgtL4S7Hrwo: Downloading webpage
[download] Destination: Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.webm
[download] 100% of 35.72MiB in 00:02
[ffmpeg] Destination: Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.mp3
Deleting original file Guido van Rossum - Python Language - PyCon 2016-YgtL4S7Hrwo.webm (pass -k to keep)





















참고: spapas.github.io/2018/03/06/easy-youtube-mp3-downloading/



Posted by uniqueone

아래 링크를 참조함. 아래 링크에는 리눅스에 설치하는 방법도 있음




윈도우 10을 기준으로 설명


1. python을 설치한다.

2. 'pip install youtube-dl'로 youtube-dl을 설치한다

3. FFMpeg 윈도우 버전을  ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-windows에서 다운받아 zip파일 압축을 풀면 bin폴더 밑에 ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe, ffprobe.exe 파일들이 있는데, 이 파일들을 복사해 파이썬 .py파일을 실행할 폴더에 복사한다.

4. 아래 코드를 파이썬 파일로 저장하여 실행한다.



from __future__ import unicode_literals

import youtube_dl

print("Insert the link")

link = input ("") # 또는 아래와 같이 직접 유튜브 동영상 주소를 파이썬 스크립트 파일에 복사

# link = "https://youtu.be/gRyJZYOEQ9Y"

ydl_opts = {

    'format': 'bestaudio/best',

    'postprocessors': [{

        'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',

        'preferredcodec': 'mp3',

        'preferredquality': '320',



with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:



5. 파이썬 스크립트 파일을 실행시키면 스크립트 파일이 있는 폴더에 mp3파일이 다운로드 돼 있다.


















Posted by uniqueone

pip3 install youtube_dl (O)

conda install youtube_dl (X)

conda install youtube_dl 은 안되는지는 잘 모르겠다.

Posted by uniqueone

프로그래밍 교육 부트캠프를 운영하며 가장 많이 받는 질문들이 있습니다.
"XX살인데, 지금 부터 해도 가능할까요?"

관련해서 재밌는 글이 번역되어 공유 드립니다.

원글은 아마도 미국의 상황으로 보여지는데요. 국내에선 상황이 다를지 생코 분들의 의견도 궁금합니다.
=== 글 내용 중 ===
얼마나 많은 개발자 지망생들이 자신의 나이에 대해 걱정하고 있는지 알아보기 위해서, Quora에서 비슷한 질문을 쭉 찾아보았다.
예상했듯이, 모든 연령대에 있는 사람들이 코딩을 배우고 개발자로 채용되기 위해서는 나이가 너무 많다고 걱정하는 점을 발견했다.
60살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
55살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
50살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
45살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
40살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
35살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
30살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
25살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
20살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
15살은 나이가 너무 많은가요?
너무 늦었다고 생각하며 패닉하고 있는 사람에게 뭐라고 말해야 할까? 대부분의 사람들은 월트 디즈니의 유명한 말인 “꿈꿀 수 있다면, 할 수 있다! If you can dream it you can do it!”과 비슷한 말을 할 것이다.
전체 글 보러 가기 -> https://medium.com/code-states/30%EB%8C%80-40%EB%8C%80-%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%AC%EA%B3%A0-50%EB%8C%80%EC%97%90-%EA%B0%9C%EB%B0%9C%EC%9E%90%EA%B0%80-%EB%90%9C-300%EB%AA%85%EC%9D%98-%EC%9D%B4%EC%95%BC%EA%B8%B0-e50ef7821a3d

Posted by uniqueone

파이참으로 파이썬 코드 실행 중, figure을 여러개 띄울 때, 창을 닫아야만 그 다음 코드로 진행이 되었다. 이것이 불편해 창을 자동으로 닫게 할 수 있었다. 




src: stackoverflow.com/questions/40395659/view-and-then-close-the-figure-automatically-in-matplotlib


이렇게 하면 창이 1초 후 닫히게 된다.





'Python > Matplotlib' 카테고리의 다른 글

matplotlib으로 figure창을 여러개 띄우기  (0) 2020.10.21
Posted by uniqueone

파이참으로 파이썬 코드 실행 중, figure을 여러개 띄울 때, 창을 닫아야만 그 다음 코드로 진행이 되었다. 이것이 불편해 찾아보니 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



for i in range(len(x)):



    # Show/save figure as desired.


# Can show all four figures at once by calling plt.show() here, outside the loop.


src: stackoverflow.com/questions/19189488/use-a-loop-to-plot-n-charts-python

에서처럼 그리고자 하는 그림들을 plt.figure() plt.plot(x)으로 각각 그려준 뒤, 맨 마지막에 plt.show()를 1번만 호출하면 전체창이 한꺼번에 띄어졌다.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



for i in range(len(x)):



    # Show/save figure as desired.


# Can show all four figures at once by calling plt.show() here, outside the loop.


처럼 하면 창을 매번 닫아야 그 다음이 진행된다.





'Python > Matplotlib' 카테고리의 다른 글

matplotlib에서 figure창을 자동으로 닫기  (0) 2020.10.21
Posted by uniqueone

numpy.r_ : Translates slice objects to concatenation along the first axis. 첫번째 axis (위에서 아래 방향)으로 연결되도록 변환한다.

numpy.c_ : Translates slice objects to concatenation along the second axis. 두번째 axis (왼쪽에서 오른 방향)으로 연결되도록 변환한다.


>>> import numpy as np

>>> a = np.array([123]) # 1차원

>>> b = np.array([456]) # 1차원

>>> c = np.array([[123]]) # 2차원

>>> d = np.array([[456]]) # 2차원

>>> e = np.array([[[123]]]) # 3차원


>>> a.shape, b.shape, c.shape, d.shape, e.shape

((3,), (3,), (1, 3), (1, 3), (1, 1, 3))


>>> np.r_[a, b]

array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

a, b는 1차원 어레이인데, 위아래로 합치면 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]^T 이 되는데 (즉 세로 형태의 1차원 array가 되는데),  파이썬에서는 1차원 어레이는 무조건 가로로 나열되므로 결과는 array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])가 된다.


>>> np.r_[c, d]

array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

c, d는 2차원 어레이인데, 위아래로 합치면 array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])가 된다. 


>>> np.c_[a, b]

array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]])

a, b는 1차원 어레이인데, 수평으로 합치면 array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]])가 된다.


>>> np.c_[c, d]

array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]])

c, d는 2차원 어레이인데, 수평으로 합치면 array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]])가 된다. 














Posted by uniqueone

Converting video (mp4) file to audio (mp3) file using python.
converting video to audio without using any third-party software.
Python tutorial.
#python #pythoncode #pythonprogramming #pythonlearning

Posted by uniqueone

Python Numpy Tutorial with Colab
CS231n Python Tutorial With Google Colab : https://colab.research.google.com/github/cs231n/cs231n.github.io/blob/master/python-colab.ipynb
#Python #Numpy #Tutorial #Colab #DeepLearning

Posted by uniqueone

파이썬 조차도 공부한 적이 없다면 한글용은 생활코딩의 파이썬 편을 영문용은 러닝 파이썬 http://learnpython.org/을 보시면 문법이나 파이썬을 어 떻게 사용하는지 도움을 얻게 될 것입니다



Posted by uniqueone


Posted by uniqueone

1개만 변환 시,

>> jupyter nbconvert --to script [YOUR_NOTEBOOK].ipynb

여러개 변환 시,

>> jupyter nbconvert --to script *.ipynb






Posted by uniqueone

https://jybaek.tistory.com/576 이곳을 참고했음.

File -> Settings -> 왼쪽의 Project: xxx / Project Interpreter -> 오른쪽 상단 톱니버튼(설정) -> Add -> Add Python Interpreter 창에서 왼쪽에 'Virtualenv Environment'선택된 상태에서 오른쪽에 -> Base interpreter에 '찾아보기'버튼을 눌러 생성된 virtualenv위치를 선택해준다 ex) C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\venv10\python.exe

OK 몇개 누르면 pycharm이 연동작업한다.

Posted by uniqueone
Posted by uniqueone

찾아보니 아래와 같이 3가지 방법으로 의견이 나뉜다.



1. File - Invalidate Caches / Restart - Invalidate and Restart를 누르면 해결된다 한다.



2. 'delete 'caches' folder in user/.IntellIJIdea13/system/ '

즉, C:\Users\User\.PyCharmCE2017.2\system\에 있는 caches폴더를 삭제한다.





Preferences > Project Settings > Project Structure

Select the symlink and exlcude it from the project. This will prevent Pycharm from including and indexing the folder.



File - Settings - Project: yourprojectname - Project Structure - Right click on folder and press "Excluded"



Posted by uniqueone
Visualize Machine Learning Data in Python With Pandas https://machinelearningmastery.com/visualize-machine-learning-data-python-pandas/
Posted by uniqueone

NumPy for MATLAB users – Mathesaurus







NumPy for MATLAB users


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
help -i % browse with Info
help() Browse help interactively
help help or doc doc help Help on using help
help plot help(plot) or ?plot Help for a function
help splines or doc splines help(pylab) Help for a toolbox/library package
demo Demonstration examples

Searching available documentation

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
lookfor plot Search help files
help help(); modules [Numeric] List available packages
which plot help(plot) Locate functions

Using interactively

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
octave -q ipython -pylab Start session
TAB or M-? TAB Auto completion
foo(.m) execfile('foo.py') or run foo.py Run code from file
history hist -n Command history
diary on [..] diary off Save command history
exit or quit CTRL-D
CTRL-Z # windows
End session


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
help - Help on operator syntax

Arithmetic operators

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a=1; b=2; a=1; b=1 Assignment; defining a number
a + b a + b or add(a,b) Addition
a - b a - b or subtract(a,b) Subtraction
a * b a * b or multiply(a,b) Multiplication
a / b a / b or divide(a,b) Division
a .^ b a ** b
Power, $a^b$
rem(a,b) a % b
a+=1 a+=b or add(a,b,a) In place operation to save array creation overhead
factorial(a) Factorial, $n!$

Relational operators

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a == b a == b or equal(a,b) Equal
a < b a < b or less(a,b) Less than
a > b a > b or greater(a,b) Greater than
a <= b a <= b or less_equal(a,b) Less than or equal
a >= b a >= b or greater_equal(a,b) Greater than or equal
a ~= b a != b or not_equal(a,b) Not Equal

Logical operators

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a && b a and b Short-circuit logical AND
a || b a or b Short-circuit logical OR
a & b or and(a,b) logical_and(a,b) or a and b Element-wise logical AND
a | b or or(a,b) logical_or(a,b) or a or b Element-wise logical OR
xor(a, b) logical_xor(a,b) Logical EXCLUSIVE OR
~a or not(a)
~a or !a
logical_not(a) or not a Logical NOT
any(a) True if any element is nonzero
all(a) True if all elements are nonzero

root and logarithm

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
sqrt(a) math.sqrt(a) Square root
log(a) math.log(a) Logarithm, base $e$ (natural)
log10(a) math.log10(a) Logarithm, base 10
log2(a) math.log(a, 2) Logarithm, base 2 (binary)
exp(a) math.exp(a) Exponential function

Round off

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
round(a) around(a) or math.round(a) Round
ceil(a) ceil(a) Round up
floor(a) floor(a) Round down
fix(a) fix(a) Round towards zero

Mathematical constants

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
pi math.pi $\pi=3.141592$
exp(1) math.e or math.exp(1) $e=2.718281$

Missing values; IEEE-754 floating point status flags

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
NaN nan Not a Number
Inf inf Infinity, $\infty$
plus_inf Infinity, $+\infty$
minus_inf Infinity, $-\infty$
plus_zero Plus zero, $+0$
minus_zero Minus zero, $-0$

Complex numbers

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
i z = 1j Imaginary unit
z = 3+4i z = 3+4j or z = complex(3,4) A complex number, $3+4i$
abs(z) abs(3+4j) Absolute value (modulus)
real(z) z.real Real part
imag(z) z.imag Imaginary part
arg(z) Argument
conj(z) z.conj(); z.conjugate() Complex conjugate


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
atan(a,b) atan2(b,a) Arctangent, $\arctan(b/a)$
hypot(x,y) Hypotenus; Euclidean distance

Generate random numbers

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
rand(1,10) random.random((10,))
Uniform distribution
2+5*rand(1,10) random.uniform(2,7,(10,))
Uniform: Numbers between 2 and 7
rand(6) random.uniform(0,1,(6,6))
Uniform: 6,6 array
randn(1,10) random.standard_normal((10,))
Normal distribution


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a=[2 3 4 5]; a=array([2,3,4,5]) Row vector, $1 \times n$-matrix
adash=[2 3 4 5]'; array([2,3,4,5])[:,NewAxis]
Column vector, $m \times 1$-matrix


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
1:10 arange(1,11, dtype=Float)
1,2,3, ... ,10
0:9 arange(10.) 0.0,1.0,2.0, ... ,9.0
1:3:10 arange(1,11,3) 1,4,7,10
10:-1:1 arange(10,0,-1) 10,9,8, ... ,1
10:-3:1 arange(10,0,-3) 10,7,4,1
linspace(1,10,7) linspace(1,10,7) Linearly spaced vector of n=7 points
reverse(a) a[::-1] or Reverse
a(:) = 3 a.fill(3), a[:] = 3 Set all values to same scalar value

Concatenation (vectors)

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
[a a] concatenate((a,a)) Concatenate two vectors
[1:4 a] concatenate((range(1,5),a), axis=1)


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
[a a] concatenate((a,a)) 1 2 3, 1 2 3
a.repeat(3) or 1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3
a.repeat(a) or 1, 2 2, 3 3 3

Miss those elements out

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a(2:end) a[1:] miss the first element
a([1:9]) miss the tenth element
a(end) a[-1] last element
a(end-1:end) a[-2:] last two elements

Maximum and minimum

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
max(a,b) maximum(a,b) pairwise max
max([a b]) concatenate((a,b)).max() max of all values in two vectors
[v,i] = max(a) v,i = a.max(0),a.argmax(0)

Vector multiplication

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a.*a a*a Multiply two vectors
dot(u,v) dot(u,v) Vector dot product, $u \cdot v$


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a = [2 3;4 5] a = array([[2,3],[4,5]]) Define a matrix

Concatenation (matrices); rbind and cbind

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
[a ; b] concatenate((a,b), axis=0)
Bind rows
[a , b] concatenate((a,b), axis=1)
Bind columns
concatenate((a,b), axis=2)
Bind slices (three-way arrays)
[a(:), b(:)] concatenate((a,b), axis=None) Concatenate matrices into one vector
[1:4 ; 1:4] concatenate((r_[1:5],r_[1:5])).reshape(2,-1)
Bind rows (from vectors)
[1:4 ; 1:4]' Bind columns (from vectors)

Array creation

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
zeros(3,5) zeros((3,5),Float) 0 filled array
zeros((3,5)) 0 filled array of integers
ones(3,5) ones((3,5),Float) 1 filled array
ones(3,5)*9 Any number filled array
eye(3) identity(3) Identity matrix
diag([4 5 6]) diag((4,5,6)) Diagonal
magic(3) Magic squares; Lo Shu
a = empty((3,3)) Empty array

Reshape and flatten matrices

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
reshape(1:6,3,2)'; arange(1,7).reshape(2,-1)
Reshaping (rows first)
reshape(1:6,2,3); arange(1,7).reshape(-1,2).transpose() Reshaping (columns first)
a'(:) a.flatten() or Flatten to vector (by rows, like comics)
a(:) a.flatten(1)
Flatten to vector (by columns)
vech(a) Flatten upper triangle (by columns)

Shared data (slicing)

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
b = a b = a.copy() Copy of a

Indexing and accessing elements (Python: slicing)

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a = [ 11 12 13 14 ...
21 22 23 24 ...
31 32 33 34 ]
a = array([[ 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
[ 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
[ 31, 32, 33, 34 ]])
Input is a 3,4 array
a(2,3) a[1,2] Element 2,3 (row,col)
a(1,:) a[0,] First row
a(:,1) a[:,0] First column
a([1 3],[1 4]); a.take([0,2]).take([0,3], axis=1)
Array as indices
a(2:end,:) a[1:,] All, except first row
a(end-1:end,:) a[-2:,] Last two rows
a(1:2:end,:) a[::2,:] Strides: Every other row
a[...,2] Third in last dimension (axis)
a(:,[1 3 4]) a.take([0,2,3],axis=1)
Remove one column
a.diagonal(offset=0) Diagonal


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a(:,1) = 99 a[:,0] = 99
a(:,1) = [99 98 97]' a[:,0] = array([99,98,97])
a(a>90) = 90; (a>90).choose(a,90)
a.clip(min=None, max=90)
Clipping: Replace all elements over 90
a.clip(min=2, max=5)
Clip upper and lower values

Transpose and inverse

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a' a.conj().transpose()
a.' or transpose(a) a.transpose() Non-conjugate transpose
det(a) linalg.det(a) or Determinant
inv(a) linalg.inv(a) or Inverse
pinv(a) linalg.pinv(a) Pseudo-inverse
norm(a) norm(a) Norms
eig(a) linalg.eig(a)[0]
svd(a) linalg.svd(a)
Singular values
chol(a) linalg.cholesky(a) Cholesky factorization
[v,l] = eig(a) linalg.eig(a)[1]
rank(a) rank(a) Rank


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
sum(a) a.sum(axis=0) Sum of each column
sum(a') a.sum(axis=1) Sum of each row
sum(sum(a)) a.sum() Sum of all elements
a.trace(offset=0) Sum along diagonal
cumsum(a) a.cumsum(axis=0) Cumulative sum (columns)


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a = [ 4 3 2 ; 2 8 6 ; 1 4 7 ] a = array([[4,3,2],[2,8,6],[1,4,7]]) Example data
sort(a(:)) a.ravel().sort() or Flat and sorted
sort(a) a.sort(axis=0) or msort(a) Sort each column
sort(a')' a.sort(axis=1) Sort each row
sortrows(a,1) a[a[:,0].argsort(),] Sort rows (by first row)
a.ravel().argsort() Sort, return indices
a.argsort(axis=0) Sort each column, return indices
a.argsort(axis=1) Sort each row, return indices

Maximum and minimum

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
max(a) a.max(0) or amax(a [,axis=0]) max in each column
max(a') a.max(1) or amax(a, axis=1) max in each row
max(max(a)) a.max() or max in array
[v i] = max(a) return indices, i
max(b,c) maximum(b,c) pairwise max
a.ptp(); a.ptp(0) max-to-min range

Matrix manipulation

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
fliplr(a) fliplr(a) or a[:,::-1] Flip left-right
flipud(a) flipud(a) or a[::-1,] Flip up-down
rot90(a) rot90(a) Rotate 90 degrees
kron(ones((2,3)),a) Repeat matrix: [ a a a ; a a a ]
triu(a) triu(a) Triangular, upper
tril(a) tril(a) Triangular, lower

Equivalents to "size"

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
size(a) a.shape or a.getshape() Matrix dimensions
size(a,2) or length(a) a.shape[1] or size(a, axis=1) Number of columns
length(a(:)) a.size or size(a[, axis=None]) Number of elements
ndims(a) a.ndim Number of dimensions
a.nbytes Number of bytes used in memory

Matrix- and elementwise- multiplication

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a .* b a * b or multiply(a,b) Elementwise operations
a * b matrixmultiply(a,b) Matrix product (dot product)
inner(a,b) or Inner matrix vector multiplication $a\cdot b'$
outer(a,b) or Outer product
kron(a,b) kron(a,b) Kronecker product
a / b Matrix division, $b{\cdot}a^{-1}$
a \ b linalg.solve(a,b)
Left matrix division, $b^{-1}{\cdot}a$ \newline (solve linear equations)
vdot(a,b) Vector dot product
cross(a,b) Cross product

Find; conditional indexing

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
find(a) a.ravel().nonzero()
Non-zero elements, indices
[i j] = find(a) (i,j) = a.nonzero()
(i,j) = where(a!=0)
Non-zero elements, array indices
[i j v] = find(a) v = a.compress((a!=0).flat)
v = extract(a!=0,a)
Vector of non-zero values
find(a>5.5) (a>5.5).nonzero()
Condition, indices
Return values
a .* (a>5.5) where(a>5.5,0,a) or a * (a>5.5) Zero out elements above 5.5
a.put(2,indices) Replace values

Multi-way arrays

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a = cat(3, [1 2; 1 2],[3 4; 3 4]); a = array([[[1,2],[1,2]], [[3,4],[3,4]]]) Define a 3-way array
a(1,:,:) a[0,...]

File input and output

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
f = load('data.txt') f = fromfile("data.txt")
f = load("data.txt")
Reading from a file (2d)
f = load('data.txt') f = load("data.txt") Reading from a file (2d)
x = dlmread('data.csv', ';') f = load('data.csv', delimiter=';') Reading fram a CSV file (2d)
save -ascii data.txt f save('data.csv', f, fmt='%.6f', delimiter=';') Writing to a file (2d)
f.tofile(file='data.csv', format='%.6f', sep=';') Writing to a file (1d)
f = fromfile(file='data.csv', sep=';') Reading from a file (1d)


Basic x-y plots

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
plot(a) plot(a) 1d line plot
plot(x(:,1),x(:,2),'o') plot(x[:,0],x[:,1],'o') 2d scatter plot
plot(x1,y1, x2,y2) plot(x1,y1,'bo', x2,y2,'go') Two graphs in one plot
hold on
show() # as normal
Overplotting: Add new plots to current
subplot(211) subplot(211) subplots
plot(x,y,'ro-') plot(x,y,'ro-') Plotting symbols and color

Axes and titles

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
grid on grid() Turn on grid lines
axis equal
figure(figsize=(6,6)) 1:1 aspect ratio
axis([ 0 10 0 5 ]) axis([ 0, 10, 0, 5 ]) Set axes manually
Axis labels and titles
text(2,25,'hello') Insert text

Log plots

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
semilogy(a) semilogy(a) logarithmic y-axis
semilogx(a) semilogx(a) logarithmic x-axis
loglog(a) loglog(a) logarithmic x and y axes

Filled plots and bar plots

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
fill(t,s,'b', t,c,'g')
% fill has a bug?
fill(t,s,'b', t,c,'g', alpha=0.2) Filled plot


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
f = inline('sin(x/3) - cos(x/5)') Defining functions
fplot('sin(x/3) - cos(x/5)',[0,40])
% no ezplot
x = arrayrange(0,40,.5)
y = sin(x/3) - cos(x/5)
plot(x,y, 'o')
Plot a function for given range

Polar plots

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
theta = 0:.001:2*pi;
r = sin(2*theta);
theta = arange(0,2*pi,0.001)
r = sin(2*theta)
polar(theta, rho) polar(theta, rho)

Histogram plots

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
hist(randn(1000,1), -4:4)

3d data

Contour and image plots

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
contour(z) levels, colls = contour(Z, V,
origin='lower', extent=(-3,3,-3,3))
clabel(colls, levels, inline=1,
fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=10)
Contour plot
contourf(z); colormap(gray) contourf(Z, V,
Filled contour plot
im = imshow(Z,
Plot image data
# imshow() and contour() as above Image with contours
quiver() quiver() Direction field vectors

Perspective plots of surfaces over the x-y plane

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
[x,y] = meshgrid(n,n);
[x,y] = meshgrid(n,n)
z = x*power(math.e,-x**2-y**2)
mesh(z) Mesh plot
surf(x,y,z) or surfl(x,y,z)
% no surfl()
Surface plot

Scatter (cloud) plots

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
plot3(x,y,z,'k+') 3d scatter plot

Save plot to a graphics file

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
print -depsc2 foo.eps
gset output "foo.eps"
gset terminal postscript eps
savefig('foo.eps') PostScript
savefig('foo.pdf') PDF
savefig('foo.svg') SVG (vector graphics for www)
print -dpng foo.png savefig('foo.png') PNG (raster graphics)

Data analysis

Set membership operators

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
a = [ 1 2 2 5 2 ];
b = [ 2 3 4 ];
a = array([1,2,2,5,2])
b = array([2,3,4])
a = set([1,2,2,5,2])
b = set([2,3,4])
Create sets
unique(a) unique1d(a)
Set unique
union(a,b) union1d(a,b)
Set union
intersect(a,b) intersect1d(a)
Set intersection
setdiff(a,b) setdiff1d(a,b)
Set difference
setxor(a,b) setxor1d(a,b)
Set exclusion
ismember(2,a) 2 in a
True for set member


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
mean(a) a.mean(axis=0)
mean(a [,axis=0])
median(a) median(a) or median(a [,axis=0]) Median
std(a) a.std(axis=0) or std(a [,axis=0]) Standard deviation
var(a) a.var(axis=0) or var(a) Variance
corr(x,y) correlate(x,y) or corrcoef(x,y) Correlation coefficient
cov(x,y) cov(x,y) Covariance

Interpolation and regression

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
z = polyval(polyfit(x,y,1),x)
plot(x,y,'o', x,z ,'-')
(a,b) = polyfit(x,y,1)
plot(x,y,'o', x,a*x+b,'-')
Straight line fit
a = x\y linalg.lstsq(x,y)
Linear least squares $y = ax + b$
polyfit(x,y,3) polyfit(x,y,3) Polynomial fit

Non-linear methods

Polynomials, root finding

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
poly() Polynomial
roots([1 -1 -1]) roots() Find zeros of polynomial
f = inline('1/x - (x-1)')
Find a zero near $x = 1$
solve('1/x = x-1') Solve symbolic equations
polyval([1 2 1 2],1:10) polyval(array([1,2,1,2]),arange(1,11)) Evaluate polynomial

Differential equations

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
diff(a) diff(x, n=1, axis=0) Discrete difference function and approximate derivative
Solve differential equations

Fourier analysis

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
fft(a) fft(a) or Fast fourier transform
ifft(a) ifft(a) or Inverse fourier transform
convolve(x,y) Linear convolution

Symbolic algebra; calculus

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
factor() Factorization


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
.m .py Script file extension
% or #
# Comment symbol (rest of line)
% must be in MATLABPATH
% must be in LOADPATH
from pylab import * Import library functions


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
for i=1:5; disp(i); end for i in range(1,6): print(i) for-statement
for i=1:5
for i in range(1,6):
Multiline for statements


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
if 1>0 a=100; end if 1>0: a=100 if-statement
if 1>0 a=100; else a=0; end if-else-statement


MATLAB/Octave Python Description
ans Most recent evaluated expression
whos or who List variables loaded into memory
clear x or clear [all] Clear variable $x$ from memory
disp(a) print a Print

Working directory and OS

MATLAB/Octave Python Description
dir or ls os.listdir(".") List files in directory
what grep.grep("*.py") List script files in directory
pwd os.getcwd() Displays the current working directory
cd foo os.chdir('foo') Change working directory
Invoke a System Command

Time-stamp: "2007-11-09T16:46:36 vidar"
©2006 Vidar Bronken Gundersen, /mathesaurus.sf.net
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document as long as the above attribution is retained.

Posted by uniqueone