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Semester: Spring 2016
Week | Date | Due | Topics | Book | Before Class | In Class | Additional Material |
1 | 1/13 | Introduction | Ch 1 | Course Intro (slides) 01-Intro to Computer Vision (slides) Intro to Matlab (slides) Lab 01 |
Review of linear alg (slides) Matlab tutorial (pdf) |
2 | 1/18 | HW0 | Image Formation | Ch 2 | Matlab image proc toolbox (slides, video 1) 02-Image formation (slides, videos 1, 2, 3, 4) |
Quiz 1 Examples (slides) Lab 02 |
02a-Other sensors (slides) |
1/20 | Coordinate Transformations | 03-2D-2D Transformations (slides, videos 1, 2) 04-3D-3D Transformations (slides, videos 1, 2, 3, 4) showRotations.m, showRotations2.m Examples (slides) |
04a-More on 3D rotations (slides) | ||||
3 | 1/25 | 05-3D-2D Transformations (slides, videos 1, 2, 3, 4) | Quiz 2 05a-More on 3D-2D (slides) Lab 03 |
05b-Other examples (slides) | |||
1/27 | Image Filtering | Ch 3 | 06-Image filtering (slides, videos 1, 2, 3, 4) Image: Fig0309(a).tif, examples (slides) |
4 | 2/1 | HW1 | 07-Binary images (slides, videos 1, 2, 3) Images: Fig9.16(a).jpg, robot.jpg Videos: oneCCC.wmv, fiveCCC.wmv |
Quiz 3 07-Examples (slides) Lab 04 |
Reading & writing movies in Matlab (slides) Lecture from EENG 510 (slides) |
2/3 | Linear Least Squares | 9.1, A.2 | 08-2D image transforms (slides, videos 1, 2) Images: book_A, book_B, wall1.jpg, wall2.jpg |
08-Examples (slides) Images: pavilionLeft, pavilionCenter, pavilionRight |
5 | 2/8 | Alignment | 6.1-6.2 | 15-Feature-based alignment (slides, video 1, 2, 3) 16-Pose estimation (slides, video 1) Images img1_rect, img2_rect, img3_rect |
Quiz 4 16-Examples (slides) Lab 05 Images robot1.jpg, robot2.jpg, robot3.jpg |
2/10 | Edge detection, OpenCV | 4.2 | 09-Edge detection (slides, videos 1, 2) Image: house.jpg 32-OpenCV First program in Visual C++ (slides) OpenCV in Visual C++ (slides, tutorial) |
32-Examples (slides) Video: testvideo.wmv |
6 | 2/15 | HW2 | President's Day - no class | ||||
2/17 | 19-Pose estimation using OpenCV (slides) Image: robotTarget.jpg Lab 06 |
7 | 2/22 | Read: ARTag.pdf by M. Fiala | Quiz 5 33-ARTags (slides) Lab 07 Code: main.cpp, findSquare.cpp, readBitMatrix.cpp, ARTag.h, ARTag.cpp |
2/24 | SIFT | 4.1.2 | 12-SIFT (slides, video 1) Vlfeat (slides), images:, test000.jpg, test012.jpg |
8 | 2/29 | HW3 | Read “Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints" by D. Lowe 14-SIFT-based object recognition (slides, video 1, 2) Images: |
Quiz 6 14-Examples (slides) Lab 08 |
3/2 | RANSAC | 6.1.4 | 20-RANSAC (slides) Images: floor1.jpg, floor2.jpg, table1.jpg, table2.jpg |
9 | 3/7 | 4.1 | 10-Image Patches (slides) Images: building.avi 11-Corners (slides, video 1, 2, 3) |
Quiz 7 11-Examples (slides) Lab 09 |
3/9 | Hough Transform | 4.3 | Final Project Information 13-Hough transform (slides, video 1, 2, 3) |
13-Examples (slides) Image: hallway.jpg, Grenouilles.jpg Videos: sphero1.wmv, sphero3.wmv, sphero4.wmv |
3/14 | Spring break - no class | ||||||
3/16 | Spring break - no class | ||||||
10 | 3/21 | HW4 | 2.1, 6.3.2 | 34-Finding a checkerboard (slides) Video: board.mp4 Lab 10 findCheckerBoard.m |
3/23 | Snow day - no class | ||||||
11 | 3/28 | Project proposal | 6.1.4 | 20a-Finding a planar object using OpenCV (slides) Example video |
Code and data: Complete main program |
3/30 | Stereo Vision | Ch 11 | 28-Stereo (slides, video pt1, pt2, pt3) Program: stereo_ball.m Images: left.png, right.png |
Exercise Code: stereo_BasicBlockMatch.m, stereo_BlockMatchDynamicProg.m |
12 | 4/4 | HW5 | A.1.1 6.2.1 |
Upcoming courses 17-SVD (slides, video 1, 2) 18-Linear pose estimation (slides, video 1, 2, 3) |
18-Examples (slides) | ||
4/6 | Calibration | 6.3 | 23-Camera calibration (slides) | 23-Examples (slides) |
13 | 4/11 | 4.1.4, 8.1.3 | Read "An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision" by Lucas and Kanade | Quiz 20b-Tracking a planar object using OpenCV (slides) Lab 11 |
Code: | ||
4/13 | Structure from Motion | 7.2 | 24-Epipolar and Essential matrix (slides, video pt1, pt2) 25-Structure from motion (slides, video pt1, pt2) Programs: createpts.m, essential.m, drawepipolar.m, twoview.m |
24-Examples (slides) Images: cube1.jpg, cube2.jpg 25-Examples (slides) Program: doCube.m |
14 | 4/18 | Progress report | 7.4 | 26-Fundamental matrix (slides, video pt1) | Quiz Program: Lab 12 |
Code: Images: pavillionCorner1.jpg, pavillionCorner2.jpg |
4/20 | 27-Bundle adjust (slides, video pt1) 29-Uncertainty (slides, video pt1, pt2) Program: pose.m |
29-Examples (slides) | |||||
15 | 4/25 | HW6 | Guest speaker: Dr. Josh Gordon from National Institute of Standards and Technology | ||||
4/27 | Individual project meetings | ||||||
16 | 5/2 | Presentations | Presentation Schedule | ||||
5/4 | Presentations | Presentation Schedule |