지난 ROSCON 2019에서

SLAM toolbox 라는 것이 소개되었었네요

video: https://vimeo.com/378682207

slide: https://roscon.ros.org/2019/talks/roscon2019_slamtoolbox.pdf

code: https://github.com/SteveMacenski/slam_toolbox


We introduce the SLAM Toolbox. It implements synchronous and asynchronous SLAM for massive indoor and changing environments as well as life-long mapping and localization modes. SLAM Toolbox brings several improvements over the existing solutions. This includes plugin optimizers with default Ceres, speed-ups in Karto's scan matcher, pose-graph manipulation tools, serialization, continued mapping on serialized SLAM graphs, pose-graph localization rolling window technique as a replacement for AMCL, and enables fully distributed mapping without the use of derived 2D occupancy image maps. This package was built for mapping of massive retail and warehouse applications, though likely effective out of those scopes. This talk will go over key points of SLAM Toolbox, demonstrations in production environments, and how to enable it in your application.

Posted by uniqueone