ImageDataGenerator는 데이터셋 이미지개수를 증가시키진 않고 매 epoch마다 원본을 변환을 할 뿐이라서 개수는 같다 Does ImageDataGenerator add more images to my dataset?
Deep Learning/TensorFlow 2022. 8. 19. 14:35
Does ImageDataGenerator add more images to my dataset?
I'm trying to do image classification with the Inception V3 model. Does ImageDataGenerator from Keras create new images which are added onto my dataset? If I have 1000 images, will using this function double it to 2000 images which are used for training? Is there a way to know how many images were created and now fed into the model?
Short answer: 1) All the original images are just transformed (i.e. rotation, zooming, etc.) every epoch and then used for training, and 2) [Therefore] the number of images in each epoch is equal to the number of original images you have.