Look at the output of,

which -all pca

The first item should be something ending in \toolbox\stats\stats\pca.m. My guess is that you have another pca.m somewhere on your path.





Unfortunately I am getting a "Too many input arguments." error from performing this call:


on the function that has signature as follows:

function [coeff, score, latent, tsquared, explained, mu] = pca(x,varargin)

I am calling princomp in this way:

[pc,score,latent,tsquare] = princomp(data);

Any idea of what might be the cause? (the bug appears in princomp.m of the stats package)



Look at the output of,

which -all pca

The first item should be something ending in \toolbox\stats\stats\pca.m. My guess is that you have another pca.m somewhere on your path.


Posted by uniqueone