

위 사이트에 나와있는대로 opencv를 cmake로 빌드할때, opencv_contrib도 다운받아서 같이 빌드했다.

아래사이트에도 나옴.

  1. start cmake-gui

  2. select the opencv source code folder and the folder where binaries will be built (the 2 upper forms of the interface)

  3. press the configure button. you will see all the opencv build parameters in the central interface

  4. browse the parameters and look for the form called OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH (use the search form to focus rapidly on it)

  5. complete this OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH by the proper pathname to the <opencv_contrib>/modules value using its browse button.

  6. press the configure button followed by the generate button (the first time, you will be asked which makefile style to use)

  7. build the opencv core with the method you chose (make and make install if you chose Unix makfile at step 6)

  8. to run, linker flags to contrib modules will need to be added to use them in your code/IDE. For example to use the aruco module, "-lopencv_aruco" flag will be added.

Posted by uniqueone