'Deep Learning/course'에 해당되는 글 78건

  1. 2021.04.28 2020년 가을에 UMASS에서 개설된 Advanced NLP 강의입니다. 슬라이드/동영상 모두 제공됩니다. 강의 제목처럼 기본 NLP내용 외
  2. 2021.04.28 이미 많은 분들이 아실 것 같지만, AI에 필요한 수학 관련한 좋은 무료 강좌들입니다. 특히 3Blue1Brown과 Seeing Theory
  3. 2021.04.05 Free Data Science Courses offered by Kaggle | Kaggle Free courses | Machine Learning | Data Magic
  4. 2021.03.29 딥러닝 기본과 NLP를 익히는데 도움이 될 만한 최신 (2020년 2021년) 동영상 강좌 13종입니다. 하나 하나 직접 들어본 분의 추천이니 3
  5. 2021.03.01 Andrew Ng's machine learning course in Coursera를 파이썬으로 숙제한
  6. 2021.02.03 Google의 머신러닝 엔지니어링 실무 지침서입니다. 머신러닝 프로젝트 구조화에 대해 공부하다가 찾게 된 문서인데, 내용이 너무 좋아 공유 드
  7. 2021.01.27 [self] Tensorflow 텐서플로우 2.0 괜찮은(들을) 강의 리스트
  8. 2021.01.20 21 Resources for Learning Math for Data Science
  9. 2021.01.08 텐서플로우 입문 강의를 두 개 제작하여 머신러닝 야학에 공개했는데요. 열심히 만들었는데... TensorFlow KR 그룹에 공유해봅니다. :)
  10. 2020.12.18 Lectures for UC Berkeley CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning Playlist : https://
  11. 2020.12.07 6 free, high-quality Udemy courses for you today: Python https://www.udemy.com
  12. 2020.11.20 Top 13 YouTube Channels to Learn Data Science
  13. 2020.10.12 Deep Reinforcement Learning Course (CS285) by Sergey Levine, Assistant Professor
  14. 2020.10.08 10 Best Machine Learning Courses in 2020
  15. 2020.09.16 인터넷에서 30종 인기 블로그나 온라인 사이트를 정리해 공유하였습니다. 참고가 되었으면 좋겠습니다~
  16. 2020.09.15 Top 10 Free Machine Learning Courses
  17. 2020.08.05 Deep Learning Basics By Daniel Worrall, MLSS Indo2020 ML Basics Video: https://y
  18. 2020.07.22 Deep Learning and Computer Vision Course List. Computer Vision 3: Detection, Se
  19. 2020.06.26 #tensorflow2.0 #machinelearning 텐서플로우 2.0 free course 를 소개 드립니다. https://www 1
  20. 2020.06.12 텐서플로 코리아 친구들, GitHub를 탐색하다가 우연찮게 Aymeric Damien 라는 사람의 깃허브에서 보석을 발견했습니다 :) 머신러닝
  21. 2020.05.12 자기주도온라인학습센터 신규 강의 목록(2020.05.11) - 연구데이터분석 – R실습 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.k
  22. 2020.04.25 코세라에서 가장 인기있는 인공지능 및 데이터 사이언스 강의들을 정리했습니다.
  23. 2020.04.20 Handong university machine learning camp (Korean) https://www.youtube.com/watch
  24. 2020.04.09 얀 르쿤 교수님의 NYU 딥러닝 강의 번역 프로젝트 완료되었습니다!
  25. 2020.03.27 We decided to make most of our Deep Learning Teaching Materials freely available
  26. 2020.02.26 CS330 전과정 강의비디오가 유튜브에 업로드되었습니다. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoROMvod
  27. 2020.02.10 Machine Learning From Scratch GitHub, by Erik Linder-Norén : https://github.com
  28. 2020.02.01 매우 좋은 AI 학습사이트! 무료에 1:1 튜터 형식으로 재미도 있고! 비록 영어 동영상이지만, 영어 자막 제공하고 있어서 이해하기도 쉽고
  29. 2020.01.07 YouTube에서 '머신러닝/딥러닝 실전 입문' 보기 윤인성씨 강의
  30. 2019.12.31 This course uses pytorch instead of tensorflow.[ [](https://t.co/lahLZspADM?amp

2020년 가을에 UMASS에서 개설된 Advanced NLP 강의입니다.
슬라이드/동영상 모두 제공됩니다.

강의 제목처럼 기본 NLP내용 외에 최신 내용들을 다루기 때문에 NLP에 대한 사전 지식이 필요한 강의입니다.

동영상 강의는 총 26시간 정도 분량입니다.

[video] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWnsVgP6CzadmQX6qevbar3_vDBioWHJL
[homepage] https://people.cs.umass.edu/~miyyer/cs685/schedule.html
Week 1: introduction, language models, representation learning
Week 2: neural LMs, RNNs, backpropagation
Week 3: Attention mechanisms
Week 4: Transformers, transfer learning
Week 5: BERT and how to use it for downstream tasks
Week 6: further improving transfer learning in NLP
Week 7: improving text generation
Week 8: data augmentation and collection
Week 9: model distillation and retrieval-augmented LMs
Week 10: Transformer implementation, vision + language
Week 11: Exam week!
Week 12: Ethics and probe tasks
Week 13: Semantic parsing and commonsense reasoning

Posted by uniqueone

이미 많은 분들이 아실 것 같지만, AI에 필요한 수학 관련한 좋은 무료 강좌들입니다.

특히 3Blue1Brown과 Seeing Theory 컨텐츠는 워낙 쉽게 잘 설명을 해놓았고, visulization이 좋아서 입문자에게 좋습니다.

1. Linear Algebra
- 3Blue1Brown 채널 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2xVFitgF8hE_ab
- MIT 강의 : https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-06-linear-algebra-spring-2010/video-lectures/

2. Probability
- Harvard 강의 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2SOU6wwxB0uwwH80KTQ6ht66KWxbzTIo
- Seeing Theory : https://seeing-theory.brown.edu/index.html#firstPage

3. Calculus
- 3Blue1Brown 채널 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZHQObOWTQDMsr9K-rj53DwVRMYO3t5Yr

4. Multivarate Calculus
- Coursera 강의 : https://www.coursera.org/learn/multivariate-calculus-machine-learning

Originally from Santiago's tweet

Posted by uniqueone


Hello Friends, Stay tuned and enjoy Machine Learning !!! Cheers !!! #freecourses #kaggle #machinelearning Connect with me, ☑️ YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/DataMagic2020 ☑️ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/datamagic2020 ☑️ Instagram : http://instagram.com/datamagic2020 ☑️ Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/datamagic5 ☑️ Telegram: https://t.me/datamagic2020 For Business Inquiries : datamagic2020@gmail.com Best book for Machine Learning : https://amzn.to/3qCe0Rf 🎥 Playlists : ☑️Machine Learning Basics https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️Feature Engineering/ Data Preprocessing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️OpenCV Tutorial [Computer Vision] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️Machine Learning Algorithms https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️Machine Learning Environment Setup https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️Machine Learning Model Deployment https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️Machine Learning Projects https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️Kaggle Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ☑️Microsoft Lobe Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Thank you for watching !! Please Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe!!! This episode can answer below queries:

Posted by uniqueone

딥러닝 기본과 NLP를 익히는데 도움이 될 만한 최신 (2020년 2021년) 동영상 강좌 13종입니다.

하나 하나 직접 들어본 분의 추천이니 관심 있으신 분들은 보시면 좋을 듯 합니다.

1. Deep Learning: CS 182 Spring 2021
Includes a great introduction to deep learning starting with the machine learning basics moving into more core topics like optimization. (by Sergey Levine)

2. Deep Learning (with PyTorch)

This is one of the most recent deep learning courses focusing on hot topics like self-supervised learning, transformers, and energy based models. (by Alfredo Canziani)

3. Deep Learning Crash Course 2021
This course is focused on the popular free book available on the d2l.ai website. If you have been studying the book, this set of lectures will come in handy. (by Alex Smola)

4. Natural Language Processing
If you are not too familiar with natural language processing (NLP) concepts, this is a great place to start. It provides short and accessible summaries of some of the most important techniques used to solve NLP problems. (by Machine Learning University)

5. CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2021
This course covers topics related to how neural networks are used in natural language processing (NLP). (by Graham Neubig)

6. CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
This has been one of the most popular NLP courses for some time now. It focuses on the use of the latest deep learning techniques applied to NLP problems. (by Chris Manning)

7. fast.ai Code-First Intro to Natural Language Processing
The NLP courses above focus heavily on the theory. To get the practical side of NLP, this fast.ai course will be a great place to start. (by Rachel Thomas)

8. CMU Multilingual NLP 2020
Graham Neubig also provides another great course that focuses on multilingual NLP. Topics range from data annotation to code switching to low resource automatic speech recognition. (by Graham Neubig)

9. Deep Learning for Computer Vision 2020
This course focuses heavily on the latest techniques in deep learning for computer vision tasks. From attention mechanism to generative models. (by Justin Johnson)

10. Deep Reinforcement Learning: CS 285 Fall 2020
Focuses on the use of deep learning-based architectures for reinforcement learning problems. (by Sergey Levine)

11. Full Stack Deep Learning 2021
While most of the courses above focus heavily on theory, this course specifically focuses on the ecosystem of tools used to develop and deploy deep learning models. (by Josh Tobin, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Karayev)

12. Practical Deep Learning for Coders
This is another course by fast.ai focusing on a coder-first approach to deep learning. (by Jeremy Howard)

13. Applied ML
This is an ongoing course teaching how to build a product grade product through ML techniques and tools. (by Made with ML)

Posted by uniqueone

The best machine learning course I have worked on till now is the Andrew Ng's machine learning course in Coursera. You will find the link to the working examples of almost all the machine learning method of his course in this article. It's a free machine learning course. #machinelearning #datascience #python


Posted by uniqueone

Google의 머신러닝 엔지니어링 실무 지침서입니다.

머신러닝 프로젝트 구조화에 대해 공부하다가 찾게 된 문서인데, 내용이 너무 좋아 공유 드립니다. 좀 길긴하지만, 1독 하시는걸 추천드립니다.


Posted by uniqueone

주로 YouTube에서 'Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence'로 검색해서 강의찾음. Udacity빼고.


- TensorFlow 2.0 Beginner Tutorials : Aladdin Persson


- Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning : Udacity


- TensorFlow 2.0 Complete Course - Python Neural Networks for Beginners Tutorial : freeCodeCamp.org


- TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial For Beginners | TensorFlow Demo | Deep Learning & TensorFlow | Simplilearn : Simplilearn


- Deep Learning With Tensorflow 2.0, Keras and Python : codebasics


- Keras with TensorFlow Course - Python Deep Learning and Neural Networks for Beginners Tutorial : freeCodeCamp.org


- TensorFlow 2.0 Beginner Tutorials : Aladdin Persson


- TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorials for Beginners : KGP Talkie


- Machine Learning (많은 딥러닝 동영상들 리스트 모아놓음) : freeCodeCamp.org






















Posted by uniqueone



21 Resources for Learning Math for Data Science

This is probably one of the biggest worries of those starting in the area of data science, learning/refreshing mathImage by DataSource.aiLet’s be honest, most people didn’t do very well in math in school, maybe not even in college, and this is ver...


This is probably one of the biggest worries of those starting in the area of data science, learning/refreshing math

Image by DataSource.ai

Let’s be honest, most people didn’t do very well in math in school, maybe not even in college, and this is very scary and creates a barrier for those who want to explore this discipline called data science.

A few days ago I published a post in Towards Data Science and right here on our blog called Study Plan for Learning Data Science Over the Next 12 Months, where I gave some quarterly recommendations and made an emphasis on studying mathematics and statistics for this first quarter, and from which I received many questions about exactly which materials I recommended. Well, this post answers those questions. But before that, I want to give you a context.

Leaving aside the factors or reasons that have led most people to hate math, it is a reality that we need it in data science. For me, one of the biggest shortcomings I found in mathematics was its lack of applicability in the real world, I didn’t see a reason for intermediate and advanced mathematics, such as multivariate calculus. I confess that in school and college I didn’t like them for that reason, but I always did well and got good scores and averages above the majority (especially in statistics). But I still didn’t see how I could use a derivative or a matrix in the real world. I finally ended up as a software engineer and once I entered the world of data science I was able to make the connection between mathematics, statistics, and the real world.

On the other hand, it is important to clarify that we do not need a master’s degree in pure mathematics to do data science projects. As I mentioned in previous posts there is a big debate in the community about how much math we need to do a good job as data scientists.

We could say that data science is divided into two major fields of work: research and production

By research, we mean the part of research and development, which normally takes place within a large company (usually a tech company), or which has focused on cutting-edge technological issues (such as medical research). Or it is also an area that is developed within universities. This sector has very limited job offers. 

  • The great advantage is the deep knowledge of algorithms and their implementations, as well as being a person capable of creating variations of existing algorithms, to improve them. Or even create new machine learning algorithms. 
  • The disadvantage is the unpractical nature of their work. It is a very theoretical work, in which often the only objective is to publish papers and is far from the business use cases in general. For reference on this, I recently read this post on Reddit, I recommend you read it.

By production, we refer to the practical side of this discipline, where you’ll use generally and in your day to day job libraries such as scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, and others. These libraries operate like a black box, where you enter data, you get an output, but you don’t know in detail what happened in the process. This also has its advantages and disadvantages, but it certainly makes life much easier when putting useful models into production. What I don’t recommend is to use them blindly, where you don’t have the minimum bases of mathematics to understand a little of their fundamentals and that is the objective of this post, to guide you and recommend you some valuable resources to have the necessary bases and not to operate blindly those libraries.

So if you decide to focus on Research and Development, you are going to need mathematics and statistics in depth (very in-depth). If you are going to go for the practical part, the libraries will help you deal with most of it, under the hood. It should be noted that most job offers are in the practical side.

Well, after the previous remarks, it is time to define which are the specific topics needed to have an initial basis in mathematics for data science. 

  • Linear Algebra: This subject is important to have the fundamentals of working with data in vector and matrix form, to acquire skills to solve systems of linear algebraic equations, and to find the basic matrix decompositions and the general understanding of their applicability.
  • Calculus: Here it is important to study functional maps, limits (in case of sequences, functions of one and several variables), differentiation (from a single variable to multiple cases), integration, thus sequentially building a foundation for basic optimization. It is also important here to study gradient descent.
  • Probability theory: Here you should learn about random variables, i.e. a variable whose values are determined by a random experiment. Random variables are used as a model for the data generation processes we want to study. The properties of the data are deeply linked to the corresponding properties of the random variables, such as expected value, variance, and correlations.

Note: these subjects are much deeper than what I just mentioned, this is simply a guide of the subjects and resources recommended to approach mathematics in the field of data science.

Now that we have a better idea of the path we should take, let’s examine the recommended resources to address this topic. We will divide them into basic, intermediate, and advanced. In the advanced ones, we’ll have resources focused on deep learning

Basics: in this first section of resources we’ll recommend the mathematical basics. Mathematical thinking, algebra, and how to implement math with python.

1- Introduction to mathematical thinking


Price: Free

Image by Coursera

Description: Learn how to think the way mathematicians do — a powerful cognitive process developed over thousands of years.

Mathematical thinking is not the same as doing mathematics — at least not as mathematics is typically presented in our school system. School math typically focuses on learning procedures to solve highly stereotyped problems. Professional mathematicians think a certain way to solve real problems, problems that can arise from the everyday world, or from science, or from within mathematics itself. The key to success in school math is to learn to think inside-the-box. In contrast, a key feature of mathematical thinking is thinking outside-the-box — a valuable ability in today’s world. This course helps to develop that crucial way of thinking.

Link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/mathematical-thinking#

2- Mathematical Foundation for AI and Machine Learning


Price: $46.99 usd

Image by Packt

Description: Artificial Intelligence has gained importance in the last decade with a lot depending on the development and integration of AI in our daily lives. The progress that AI has already made is astounding with innovations like self-driving cars, medical diagnosis and even beating humans at strategy games like Go and Chess. The future for AI is extremely promising and it isn’t far from when we have our own robotic companions. This has pushed a lot of developers to start writing codes and start developing for AI and ML programs. However, learning to write algorithms for AI and ML isn’t easy and requires extensive programming and mathematical knowledge. Mathematics plays an important role as it builds the foundation for programming for these two streams. And in this course, we’ve covered exactly that. We designed a complete course to help you master the mathematical foundation required for writing programs and algorithms for AI and ML.

Link: https://www.packtpub.com/product/mathematical-foundation-for-ai-and-machine-learning-video/9781789613209

3- Math for Programmers


Price: $47.99

Image by Manning

Description: In Math for Programmers you’ll explore important mathematical concepts through hands-on coding. Filled with graphics and more than 300 exercises and mini-projects, this book unlocks the door to interesting–and lucrative!–careers in some of today’s hottest fields. As you tackle the basics of linear algebra, calculus, and machine learning, you’ll master the key Python libraries used to turn them into real-world software applications.

Link: https://www.manning.com/books/math-for-programmers

4- Algebra 1


Price: Free

Image by Khanacademy

Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra

5- Algebra 2


Price: Free

Image by Khanacademy

Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra2

6- Master Math by Coding in Python


Price: $12.99

Image by Udemy

Description: You can learn a lot of math with a bit of coding!

Many people don’t know that Python is a really powerful tool for learning math. Sure, you can use Python as a simple calculator, but did you know that Python can help you learn more advanced topics in algebra, calculus, and matrix analysis? That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this course.

This course is a perfect supplement to your school/university math course, or for your post-school return to mathematics.

Let me guess what you are thinking:

  • “But I don’t know Python!”That’s okay! This course is aimed at complete beginners; I take you through every step of the code. You don’t need to know anything about Python, although it’s useful if you already have some programming experience.
  • “But I’m not good at math!”You will be amazed at how much better you can learn math by using Python as a tool to help with your courses or your independent study. And that’s exactly the point of this course: Python programming as a tool to learn mathematics. This course is designed to be the perfect addition to any other math course or textbook that you are going through.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/math-with-python/

7- Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra


Price: Free

Image by Edx

Description: Matrix Algebra underlies many of the current tools for experimental design and the analysis of high-dimensional data. In this introductory online course in data analysis, we will use matrix algebra to represent the linear models that commonly used to model differences between experimental units. We perform statistical inference on these differences. Throughout the course we will use the R programming language to perform matrix operations.

Given the diversity in educational background of our students we have divided the series into seven parts. You can take the entire series or individual courses that interest you. If you are a statistician you should consider skipping the first two or three courses, similarly, if you are biologists you should consider skipping some of the introductory biology lectures. Note that the statistics and programming aspects of the class ramp up in difficulty relatively quickly across the first three courses. You will need to know some basic stats for this course. By the third course will be teaching advanced statistical concepts such as hierarchical models and by the fourth advanced software engineering skills, such as parallel computing and reproducible research concepts.

Link: https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-linear-models-and-matrix-algebra

8- Applying Math with Python


Price: $20.99

Image by Packt

Description: Python, one of the world’s most popular programming languages, has a number of powerful packages to help you tackle complex mathematical problems in a simple and efficient way. These core capabilities help programmers pave the way for building exciting applications in various domains, such as machine learning and data science, using knowledge in the computational mathematics domain.

The book teaches you how to solve problems faced in a wide variety of mathematical fields, including calculus, probability, statistics and data science, graph theory, optimization, and geometry. You’ll start by developing core skills and learning about packages covered in Python’s scientific stack, including NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with more advanced topics of calculus, probability, and networks (graph theory). After you gain a solid understanding of these topics, you’ll discover Python’s applications in data science and statistics, forecasting, geometry, and optimization. The final chapters will take you through a collection of miscellaneous problems, including working with specific data formats and accelerating code.

By the end of this book, you’ll have an arsenal of practical coding solutions that can be used and modified to solve a wide range of practical problems in computational mathematics and data science.

Link: https://www.packtpub.com/product/applying-math-with-python/9781838989750

Intermediate: in this second section we will recommend resources focused on calculation and probability.

9- Calculus 1


Price: Free

Image by Khanacademy

Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/calculus-1

10- Calculus 2


Price: Free

Image by Khanacademy

Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/calculus-2

11- Multivariable calculus


Price: Free

Image by Khanacademy

Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus

12- Mathematics for Data Science Specialization


Price: Free

Image by Coursera

Description: Behind numerous standard models and constructions in Data Science there is mathematics that makes things work. It is important to understand it to be successful in Data Science. In this specialisation we will cover wide range of mathematical tools and see how they arise in Data Science. We will cover such crucial fields as Discrete Mathematics, Calculus, Linear Algebra and Probability. To make your experience more practical we accompany mathematics with examples and problems arising in Data Science and show how to solve them in Python.

Each course of the specialisation ends with a project that gives an opportunity to see how the material of the course is used in Data Science. Each project is directed at solving practical problem in Data Science. In particular, in your projects you will analyse social graphs, predict estate prices and uncover hidden relations in the data.

Link: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/mathematics-for-data-science

13- Practical Discrete Mathematics


Price: $24.99

Image by Packt

Description: Discrete mathematics is a field of math that deals with studying finite and distinct elements. The theories and principles of discrete math are widely used in solving complexities and building algorithms in computer science and computing data in data science. It helps you to understand algorithms, binary, and general mathematics that is commonly used in data-driven tasks.

Learn Discrete Mathematics is a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to the mathematics of countable objects. This book will help you get up-to-speed with implementing discrete math principles to take your programming skills to another level. You’ll learn the discrete math language and methods crucial to studying and describing objects and functions in branches of computer science and machine learning. Complete with real-world examples, the book covers the internal workings of memory and CPUs, analyzes data for useful patterns, and shows you how to solve problems in network routing, encryption, and data science.

By the end of this book, you’ll have a deeper understanding of discrete mathematics and its applications in computer science, and get ready to work on real-world algorithm development and machine learning.

Link: https://www.packtpub.com/product/practical-discrete-mathematics/9781838983147

14- Math for Data Science and Machine Learning: University Level


Price: $12.99

Image by Udemy

Description: In this course we will learn math for data science and machine learning. We will also discuss the importance of Math for data science and machine learning in practical word. Moreover, Math for data science and machine learning course is bundle of two courses of linear algebra and probability and statistics. So, students will learn complete contents of probability and statistics and linear algebra. It is not like that you will not complete all the contents in this 7 hours videos course. This is a beautiful course and I have designed this course according to the need of the students.

Linear algebra and probability and statistics is usually offered for the students of data science, machine learning, python and IT students. So, that’s why I have prepared this dual course for different sciences.

I have taught this course multiple times on my universities classes. It is offered usually in two different modes like, it is offered as linear algebra for 100 marks paper and probability and statistics as another 100 marks paper for two different or in a same semesters. I usually focus on the method and examples while teaching this course. Examples clear the concepts of the students in a variety of way like, they can understand the main idea that instructor want to deliver if they feel typical the method of the subject or topics. So, focusing on example makes the course easy and understandable for the students.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/master-linear-algebra-and-probability-2-in-1-bundle/

15- Data Science Math Skills


Price: Free

Image by Coursera

Description: Data science courses contain math — no avoiding that! This course is designed to teach learners the basic math you will need in order to be successful in almost any data science math course and was created for learners who have basic math skills but may not have taken algebra or pre-calculus. Data Science Math Skills introduces the core math that data science is built upon, with no extra complexity, introducing unfamiliar ideas and math symbols one-at-a-time.

Learners who complete this course will master the vocabulary, notation, concepts, and algebra rules that all data scientists must know before moving on to more advanced material.

Link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/datasciencemathskills

Advanced: in this last section we will focus on the statistical part (probability theory) and the application of mathematics to deep learning algorithms.

16- Statistics and probability


Price: Free

Image by Khanacademy

Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability

17- Intro to Inferential Statistics


Price: Free

Image by Udacity

Description: Inferential statistics allows us to draw conclusions from data that might not be immediately obvious. This course focuses on enhancing your ability to develop hypotheses and use common tests such as t-tests, ANOVA tests, and regression to validate your claims.

Link: https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-inferential-statistics--ud201

18- Statistical Methods and Applied Mathematics in Data Science


Price: $124.99

Image by Packt

Description: Machine learning and data analysis are the center of attraction for many engineers and scientists. The reason is quite obvious: its vast application in numerous fields and booming career options. And Python is one of the leading open source platforms for data science and numerical computing. IPython, and its associated Jupyter Notebook, provide Python with efficient interfaces to for data analysis and interactive visualization, and they constitute an ideal gateway to the platform. If you are among those seeking to enhance their capabilities in machine learning, then this course is the right choice.

Statistical Methods and Applied Mathematics in Data Science provides many easy-to-follow, ready-to-use, and focused recipes for data analysis and scientific computing. This course tackles data science, statistics, machine learning, signal and image processing, dynamical systems, and pure and applied mathematics. You will apply state-of-the-art methods to various real-world examples, illustrating topics in applied mathematics, scientific modeling, and machine learning. In short, you will be well versed with the standard methods in data science and mathematical modeling.

Link: https://www.packtpub.com/product/statistical-methods-and-applied-mathematics-in-data-science-video/9781789539219

19- Exploring Math for Programmers and Data Scientists


Price: Free

Image by Manning

Description: Exploring Math for Programmers and Data Scientists showcases chapters from three Manning books, chosen by author and master-of-math Paul Orland. You’ll start with a look at the nearest neighbor search problem, common with multidimensional data, and walk through a real-world solution for tackling it. Next, you’ll delve into a set of methods and techniques integral to Principal Component Analysis (PCA), an underlying technique in Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) for document retrieval. In the last chapter, you’ll work with digital audio data, using mathematical functions in different and interesting ways. Begin sharpening your competitive edge with the fun and fascinating math in this (free!) practical guide!

Link: https://www.manning.com/books/exploring-math-for-programmers-and-data-scientists

20- Hands-On Mathematics for Deep Learning


Price: $27.99

Image by Packt

Description: Most programmers and data scientists struggle with mathematics, having either overlooked or forgotten core mathematical concepts. This book uses Python libraries to help you understand the math required to build deep learning (DL) models.

You’ll begin by learning about core mathematical and modern computational techniques used to design and implement DL algorithms. This book will cover essential topics, such as linear algebra, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the singular value decomposition concept, and gradient algorithms, to help you understand how to train deep neural networks. Later chapters focus on important neural networks, such as the linear neural network and multilayer perceptrons, with a primary focus on helping you learn how each model works. As you advance, you will delve into the math used for regularization, multi-layered DL, forward propagation, optimization, and backpropagation techniques to understand what it takes to build full-fledged DL models. Finally, you’ll explore CNN, recurrent neural network (RNN), and GAN models and their application.

By the end of this book, you’ll have built a strong foundation in neural networks and DL mathematical concepts, which will help you to confidently research and build custom models in DL.

Link: https://www.packtpub.com/product/hands-on-mathematics-for-deep-learning/9781838647292

21- Math and Architectures of Deep Learning


Price: $39.99

Image by Manning

Description: Math and Architectures of Deep Learning sets out the foundations of DL in a way that’s both useful and accessible to working practitioners. Each chapter explores a new fundamental DL concept or architectural pattern, explaining the underpinning mathematics and demonstrating how they work in practice with well-annotated Python code. You’ll start with a primer of basic algebra, calculus, and statistics, working your way up to state-of-the-art DL paradigms taken from the latest research. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a combined theoretical insight and practical skills to identify and implement DL architecture for almost any real-world challenge.

Link: https://www.manning.com/books/math-and-architectures-of-deep-learning


This is an extensive recommendation on resources for learning mathematics for data science, following the previous post about the path to follow in this year 2021 to learn data science

When we have limited time for study, we should select those that we feel best and those that fit our style. For example, you might prefer videos about books, so go ahead and choose what suits you best. This material is sufficient whether you want to take a brief look at the mathematics, or if you want to go deeper into it. I hope you find it useful.

If you have other recommendations for courses, books or videos, please leave them in the comments so that we can all create links of interest.

Note: we are building a private community in Slack of data scientist, if you want to join us you can register here: https://www.datasource.ai/en#slack

I hope you enjoyed this reading! you can follow me on twitter or linkedin

Thanks for reading!

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텐서플로우 입문 강의를 두 개 제작하여 머신러닝 야학에 공개했는데요.
열심히 만들었는데... TensorFlow KR 그룹에 공유해봅니다. :)

표 형태의 데이터로 지도학습의 회귀와 분류를 경험하는 강의입니다.
텐서플로우를 이용하여 딥러닝 모델을 구현하고, 딥러닝의 기본적인 개념을 배웁니다.
Tensorflow 101: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auCw6qikSYs&list=PLl1irxoYh2wyLwJutUZx5Q_QEEDZoXBnz

이미지로 분류 모델인 CNN을 만들어보는 강의입니다.
텐서플로우를 이용하여 CNN 모델을 구현하고, CNN의 기본적인 개념을 배웁니다.
Tensorflow 102: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMEoEJIXd7E&list=PLl1irxoYh2wzOOU9hvJqMYc215wAlxrpp

코딩 없이 인공지능을 경험해보고 싶은 분은 머신러닝 1 수업을 추천합니다.
이 수업은 13개의 동영상으로 이루어진 2시간 분량의 수업입니다.

자세한 내용과 참가신청은 머신러닝 야학 홈페이지를 참고해주세요.

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Lectures for UC Berkeley CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning
Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_iWQOsE6TfURIIhCrlt-wj9ByIVpbfGc
H / T : Sergey Levine
#ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #ReinforcementLearning

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6 free, high-quality Udemy courses for you today:


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Top 13 YouTube Channels to Learn Data Science

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Top 13 YouTube Channels to Learn Data Science

Informative channels on YouTube to gain access to tons of informative videos on Data Science

Claire D. Costa

Nov 9·12 min read

Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

Data science is the discipline of making data useful.

YouTube doesn’t need much of an introduction, and we’re sure you all know how much of a popular platform it is among people of all age groups. YouTube is not just a vast repository of entertainment, but it is also an equally important source of education. Undeniably the best thing about learning from YouTube is the lack of any fee or charges for getting access to that vast repertoire of educational videos.
Data Science and many other domains like it can seem daunting at first, but with YouTube, you can get easy access to a plethora of educational and instructional videos on a wealth of topics, including Data Science. The goal behind this write-up is to introduce you to a range of informative channels on YouTube that demystify the complex concepts of Data Science so that you can learn at your own pace. But before digging into this, check out
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Best Data Science Blogs to Follow in 2020

Most trusted and reputed sources to update yourself with the latest happenings in the Data Science world.


10 Popular Data Science Resources on Github

Some of the top GitHub repositories that will teach you all about Data Science.


Top Data Science YouTube Channels

The domain of Data Science brings with itself a variety of scientific tools, processes, algorithms, and knowledge extraction systems from structured and unstructured data alike, for identifying meaningful patterns in it.

Everybody loves YouTube, right? But wouldn’t it be fun to gain access to literally thousands of informative videos on Data Science, covering not just the basics but also the latest happenings in the domain?
In the age of Massive Online Open Courses(MOOCs), YouTube serves as a powerful platform to find answers to your questions, which otherwise would not have made it to the course video. All that while helping you save some money.
We’re guessing by now you’re pretty hyped to know about the channels, fair enough, let’s not waste any more time and move on to the list of YouTube channels focused on Data Science.

1. 3Blue1Brown

Source: 3Blue1Brown

Since: Mar 4, 2015

Creator: Grant Sanderson

Views: 165,573,366

Subscribers: 3.22M

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw

3Blue1Brown is a fairly enjoyable channel created by Grant Sanderson in March 2015 that primarily focuses on teaching math in an entertaining way.
You might be wondering why we included this channel in our list. Well, there are two reasons for that. First, he addresses a multitude of topics on his channel that are related to the Data Science domain. Some of these topics include Neural Networks, Linear Algebra, Fourier Transformations, Calculus, and many others.
Second, the amazing visualizations you see in his videos have been created by an animation engine in Python called manim, which Grant created by himself. The channel 3Blue1Brown has over 100 uploads with a total of 165 million views.
Throughout his channel, you’ll realize how much of an important role the visualizations play in Grant’s videos and how beautifully the manim library can be utilized to create some slick visuals.

2. freeCodeCamp.org

Source: freeCodeCamp.org

Since: Dec 17, 2014

Creator: Quincy Larson

Views: 127,751,078

Subscribers: 2.72M

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/Freecodecamp/featured

Website: https://www.freecodecamp.org/

Created by Quincy Larson in December 2014freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization with a mission to empower people to code and help others. freeCodeCamp is more of a course-oriented channel run by a highly knowledgeable group of people with a strong background in programming. Their YouTube channel offers informative videos on a wide range of topics, such as Data Structures, JavaScript, Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Node.js, and has upwards of 127 million total views so far.
freeCodeCamp’s channel has over 1100 videos, and a decent chunk of them are full-on courses with over an hour of content and code sessions at the very least. You can also visit their website to get your hands on more than 6000 tutorials on programming and ethical hacking.

3. Sentdex

Source: Sentdex

Since: Dec 17, 2012

Creator: Harrison Kinsley

Views: 87,960,317

Subscribers: 974K

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/sentdex/features

Website: https://pythonprogramming.net/

Created by Harrison Kinsley in December 2012, Sentdex covers several programming topics and technologies such as Machine LearningNatural Language ProcessingData Analysis and Visualization, and some Robotics projects with Raspberry Pi projects.
Harrison’s clear and explanatory style of simplifying the various topics puts Sentdex among the best Data Science channels on YouTube. The channel has over 1200 videos and more than 87 million views. Harrison’s love for Python can be seen on his channel, as he has covered a multitude of programming topics in Python.
He also runs a website called Python Programming Tutorials, where you can find a healthy collection of Python projects in a very detailed manner and see how things work. If you’re interested in a more advanced topic, say, Neural Networks, Harrison has written a book on it called “Neural Networks from Scratch in Python”.
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4. Corey Schafer

Source: Corey Schafer

Since: Jun 1, 2006

Creator: Corey Schafer

Views: 47,336,678

Subscribers: 661K

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Coreyms/featured

Website: http://coreyms.com/

Corey Schafer’s YouTube channel revolves mainly around programming tools that are vital for modern programmers and researchers, including the fundamental concepts of programming. The videos on Corey’s channel have garnered over 47 million views and counting. The channel has covered a range of topics, such as the basics of programming, Linux tutorials, SQL tutorialsDjango, and much more.
For individuals interested in Data Science, Corey has got you covered with video playlists on topics like PandasMatplotlib, and a series of videos on getting started Python. Whether you’re a veteran in programming in a professional environment or a beginner learning about the technology, Corey has offered educational content keeping everyone’s skill level in mind.

5. Tech With Tim

Source: Tech With Tim

Since: Apr 23, 2014

Creator: Tim Ruscica

Views: 32,827,834

Subscribers: 466K

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/TechWithTim/featured

Website: https://www.techwithtim.net/

Started by Tim Ruscica in April 2014, the videos on Tim’s channel are more focused on Python programming in general with some game development using PyGamesome tutorials on Machine Learning, and JavaScript paired with a few frameworks. With over 32 million total views, Tim’s channel has some cool projects on a couple of topics, such as a Flappy Bird game, a Face Recognition tool, a Slack bot, and more.
Tim has also done a handful of long coding live streams ranging anywhere from a manageable period of 2 hours to more grueling 12-hour sessions. You will also find some crucial tips and advice on his channel for new developers as well as some programming project ideas, along with some beginner-friendly tutorials on Golang and Flutter. If you like the projects on Tim’s channel, you can find the code on his GitHub repo to follow through with some of his videos.

6. Python Programmer

Source: Giles McMullen

Since: Aug 16, 2008

Creator: Giles McMullen

Views: 7,440,604

Subscribers: 229K

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/FlickThrough/featured

Giles McMullen created this channel in August 2008 to inspire the world about Python and to show his love for the programming language, hence the name Python Programmer. Throughout the years, Giles covered loads of tutorials on his channel for various topics ranging from the more fundamental ones for beginners like the basics of Python programming to more advanced topics, like Data Science and Machine Learning.
You can find a few free courses on Giles’ channel for Data Science and Machine Learning, which can essentially give you a strong idea about the core concepts in these subjects. Apart from covering educational topics, Giles also has videos about popular Python libraries, such as Pandas, NumPyScikit-learn, and some handy tips to programmers of all skills on the hows and whats of Python or just programming in general.

7. StatQuest With Josh Starmer

Source: StatQuest

Since: May 24, 2011

Views: 17,551,985

Subscribers: 371K

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/joshstarmer/featured

Website: https://statquest.org/

What started as mere explanations about the complex statistical techniques to colleagues at work soon turned into Josh’s passion and later into StatQuest. StatQuest takes away the challenges people usually face in understanding those complicated terms and methods that modern statistics and Machine Learning is filled with.
Created by Josh Starmer in May 2011, StatQuest has more than 180 videos with a combined total of 17 million views. In the channel, you will find a handful of playlists explaining the various fundamental concepts like Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Linear Models. You can also visit StatQuest’s website to find study guides filled with detailed information for a better understanding of sub-topics like AdaBoost, Classification Trees, and a few others.

8. Krish Naik

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Deep Reinforcement Learning Course (CS285) by Sergey Levine, Assistant Professor at University of California, Berkeley is now has fall 2020 lectures online:

#deeplearning #reinforcementlearning #RL #machinelearning

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10 Best Machine Learning Courses in 2020

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Tags: CoursesDataCampDeep Learningfast.aiMachine LearningOnline EducationPythonStanford

If you are ready to take your career in machine learning to the next level, then these top 10 Machine Learning Courses covering both practical and theoretical work will help you excel.

SAS Viya


By Ahmad Bin Shafiq, Machine Learning Student.

Photo by Photos Hobby on Unsplash.

Practical/Hands-on Courses with Less Theory

1) Practical Deep Learning for Coders FAST.AI

Price: Free
Taught by: One of the most famous and practical courses on the internet, taught by Jeremy Howard, Research Scientist at the University of San Francisco, the chair of WAMRI, and is Chief Scientist at the platform.ai. He was the President and Chief Scientist of the data science platform Kaggle, where he was the top-ranked participant in international machine learning competitions 2 years running.
Course Outcomes: This course is a hands-on introduction to deep learning, where you will dive straight into deep learning via making a state of the art classifier. You will learn a lot of practical aspects of deep learning without knowing the underlying theory.
2) Code-First Introduction to Natural Language Processing by Fast.ai

Price: Free
Taught by: Rachel Thomas is an American computer scientist and founding Director of the Center for Applied Data Ethics at the University of San Francisco. Together with Jeremy Howard, she is co-founder of fast.ai.
Course Outcomes: This course  is a hands-on introduction to NLP, where you will code a practical NLP application first as the name suggests, then slowly start digging inside the underlying theory in it.
Applications covered include topic modeling, classification (identifying whether the sentiment of a review is positive or negative), language modeling, and translation. The course teaches a blend of traditional NLP topics (including regex, SVD, naïve Bayes, tokenization) and recent neural network approaches (including RNNs, seq2seq, attention, and the transformer architecture), as well as addressing urgent ethical issues, such as bias and disinformation.
3) Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

Price: $129 (on sale $10-$20)
Taught by: Jose Marcial Portilla has a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Santa Clara University and years of experience as a professional instructor and trainer for Data Science and programming. He has publications and patents in various fields such as microfluidics, materials science, and data science technologies.
Rating: 4.6*
Course Outcomes: This course is a very practical introduction to Machine Learning and data science. It does not assume any previous knowledge, starts from teaching basic Python to Numpy Pandas, then goes to teach Machine Learning via sci-kit learn in Python, then jumps to NLP and Tensorflow, and some big-data via spark.
This is definitely one of the best courses out there, as Jose is a really good instructor.
4) DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate

Price: $49/month
Taught by: Laurence Moroney is a Developer Advocate at Google working on Artificial Intelligence with TensorFlow. He is also the author of many books.
Rating: 4.7*
Course Outcomes: In this hands-on, four-course Professional Certificate program, you’ll learn the necessary tools to build scalable AI-powered applications with TensorFlow. Lawrence will start teaching you the basics of TensorFlow, slowly progressing towards the state of the art applications using Tensorflow.
5) Datacamp Data Science Path

Price: $25/month or $300/year
Taught by: Multiple industry professionals
Course Outcomes: With no prior coding experience, you will be taught coding from scratch, then moving to advanced libraries and frameworks. Each lesson is accompanied by some exercises or tasks. You will also have access to projects at data camp, which will improve your coding experience as well as your resume.

Theoretical Courses with Less Practical work

1) Machine Learning by Stanford University

Price: $80
Taught by: Andrew Ng is CEO/Founder Landing AI; Co-founder, Coursera; Adjunct Professor, Stanford University; formerly Chief Scientist, Baidu, and founding lead of Google Brain.
Course Outcomes: You will learn all the underlying theory behind famous machine learning algorithms, from Supervised Learning to Unsupervised Learning. You will also get a chance to code them from scratch in MATLAB/Octave.
2) Deep Learning Specialization

Price: $49/month
Instructor: Andrew Ng
Ratings: 4.8*
Course Outcomes: This 5 parts specialization will teach you the underlying theory behind of Deep Learning from Single Layer Network to Multi-Layer Dense Networks, from the basics of CNN to performing object detection with YOLO along with underlying theory, from basics of RNN to Sentiment analysis.
This course will also give you an introduction to the basics of Deep Learning frameworks such as Tensorflow or Keras.
3) CS231n by Andrej Karpathy

Price: Free
Taught by: Andrej Karpathy, the Sr. Director of AI at Tesla, leads the team responsible for all neural networks on the Autopilot. Previously, he was a Research Scientist at OpenAI working on Deep Learning in Computer Vision, Generative Modeling, and Reinforcement Learning. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University.
Course Outcomes: This course is a deep dive into details of the deep learning architectures with a focus on learning end-to-end models for these tasks, particularly image classification. Students will learn to implement, train, and debug their own neural networks and gain a detailed understanding of cutting-edge research in computer vision. The focus is on teaching how to set up the problem of image recognition, the learning algorithms (e.g., backpropagation), practical engineering tricks for training, and fine-tuning the networks.
4) Stat 451: Introduction to Machine Learning

Price: Free
Taught by: Sebastian Raschka is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison focusing on machine learning and deep learning research.
Course Outcomes: You will learn all the underlying theory of famous Machine Learning Algorithms from Neural Networks to supervised and Unsupervised Learning.
This course is originally taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by Dr. Sebastian.
5) MIT Introduction to Deep Learning | 6.S191

Price: Free
Taught by: Ava Soleimany is a Ph.D. student in the Harvard Biophysics program and at MIT, where she works with Sangeeta Bhatia at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and am supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Alexander Amini is a Ph.D. student at MIT, in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), with Prof. Daniela Rus. He is an NSF Fellow and completed my Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, with a minor in Mathematics.
Course Outcomes: 6.S191 is MIT’s official introductory course on deep learning methods with applications to computer vision, natural language processing, biology, and more! Students will gain foundational knowledge of deep learning algorithms.
Students will also get practical experience in building neural networks in TensorFlow.

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Machine Learning from Scratch: Free Online Textbook

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최종 업데이트:2020-5-18

데이터 과학에 관한 작업을 시작했을 뿐이지만 데이터 분석과 빅데이터 분석 전문가(ADP) 라이선스 준비를 위해 전문 서적 외에도 관련 사이트나 블로그로부터 최신 데이터 정보와 지식을 얻어야 합니다. 인터넷에서 30종 인기 블로그나 온라인 사이트를 정리해 공유하였습니다. 참고가 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
실제로 빅데이터 분석 을 할 때 좋은 정보와 데이터가 없는 경우가 많습니다. 오픈 공공데이터 포럼을 정리하고 소개하였습니다. 2 가지 함께 보시면 더 좋을 것 같습니다.

빅데이터 분석 : 온라인 사이트


이 빅데이터 분석 사이트는 데이터 사이언스트,데이터 애널리스트, 또는 데이터 엔지니어에 대한 관심을 가지는 분들은 대화형 코딩 과제부터 공부하고 기준 문제 및 데이터 사이언스 프로젝트로 성장할 수 있습니다.


세계 최대급의 온라인 빅데이터 분석 학습 플랫폼으로서 알려졌으며 이제 8000이상의 온라인 코스가 있습니다. 머신러닝(machine learning)부터 데이터 시각화, 그리고 Python 프로그래밍까지를 포함하고 있습니다. 


Coursera는 전 세계 대학 및 기관과 협력하여 온하인 코스를 제공하고 있습니다.  등록자는 온라인 비디오 빅데이터 분석 강의에 엑셀을 할 수 있고, 숙제가 자동 평가되고, 커뮤니티 포럼에도 들어갈 수 있습니다. 코스 종료 후에 전자 수료증명서가 발급됩니다.


 스킬을 향상시키고 싶은 초보자나 숙련된 전문가에게  되게 훌륭한 학습 자원이라고 할 수 있습니다. DataCamp는 데이터 사이언스, 통계학 및 머신러닝에 관련된 인터랙티브한 R 및 Python 코스를 제공하고 있습니다.


Udacity는 Python、SQL 및 통계 데이터를 통해 인사이트를 통찰하고 중요한 발견을 전하고 데이터 구동형(driven) 솔루션을 구축하기 위해서 힘을 애쓰고 있다는 슬로건이 있습니다. 온라인 비디오 뿐만 아니라, 독자적인 스터디 관리 시스템, 빌트인 (built-in) 프로그래밍 인터페이스 및 포럼도 가지고 있습니다.


 EdX에서는 데이터 분석 스킬을 기르고, 지식을 높이기 위한 무료 데이터 사이언스 코스를 제공하고 있습니다. 전 세계의 답대학 및 EdX의 글로벌 파트너의 코스를 통해 데이터 사이언스, 통계, 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI)에 관련 자료를 함계 공부합시다.


이 사이트에서 데이터 사이언스, 인공지능, 빅데이터, 블록체인 스킬을 무료로 수강할 수 있습니다. 안드로이드 전용의 앱이 있기 때문에 사용하기 편리한다는 장점이 있습니다.


여기서 데이터 사이언스 기초 지식을 섭득하고, 실제에 따라 high-level의 머신러닝, 자연 언어 처리, 딥러닝 등의 중점 분야를 선택하고 공부할 수 있습니다.  실제 프로젝트 연습 뿐만 아니라 맟춤형 캐리어 코칭 및 구인 사이트도 제공하고 있습니다. 

 9.Data School(YouTube):

Data School는 워싱턴DC에서 데이터 사이언스 교육을 하고 있는 Kevin Markham씨의 채널입니다. 이 채널에서 오픈 소스 툴에 관련 사용방법, Python 및 R 등 다양한 데이터 사이언스에 기반으로 주제에 대해서 소개하는 것입니다.  무료 보기 가능하고, 현재 8만명 이상의 팔로워가 가지고 있습니다.

10.Siraj Raval(YouTube) :

Siraj Raval씨의 채널은 개발자에게 인공지능 구축을 교육하기 위한 비디오를 제고하고 있는 것입니다. 게임,음악, 채팅봇, 아트 등을 AI로 만드는 과정을 시청자들에게 알려주었습니다. 이제 팔로워는 50만명을 넘고 있습니다.


IntelliPaat의 튜토리얼은 빅데이터 , 비즈니스 인텔리전스, 데이터 분석, 데이터베이스등 테마를 커버하고 있습니다. 업계 전문가에게 수강을 수료한다면 인정(증면서)를 받을 수 있습니다. 


Lynda에서는 빅데이터, 비즈니스 인테리전스, 데이터 분석, 데이터베이스,프로그래밍 언어 등이 포함됩니다. 자신의 수준에 따라 입문, 중급, 상급 코스를 선택할 수 있습니다. 


Kaggle는 초보자에게 최우선 선택이라고 할 수 있습니다. Python,머신러닝, 데이터 시각화, Pandas, R, SQL 또는 딥러닝에 관련 코스를 선택할 수 있습니다.

데이터 사이언스 블로그

1. EdwinChen 개안 블로그

EdwinChen 씨는 매사추세츠공과대학(MIT)에서 수학과 언어학을 전공했으며, MRS음성인식(speech recognition),Clarium의 양적 거래, Twitter 광고, Dropbox 분석, Google 데이터 사이언스 등의 일을 하고 있었습니다. AI 인공지능과 데이터에 관한 포스트를  볼 수 있습니다.


이 블로그는 데이터 사이언티스트, 비즈니스 애널리스트 및 IT팀을 대상으로 운영하고 있습니다. 그리고 이에 대한 자신의 생각을 전하고 싶다면 여기에 독자들의 투고를 환영합니다. 

3.데이터 사이언스/101

컴퓨터 과학 및 통계 과학 박사 학위를 취득한 Ryan Swanstrom는 2012년부터 자신의  블로그에서 데이터 과학 자원, 뉴스 및 연구에 대한 뉴스를 공개하고 있습니다.

 4.The Shapeof Data:

JesseJohnson은 저자원 토폴로지를 연구하던 전직 수학 교수로 현재 구글 소프트워어 엔지니를 하고 있습니다. 블로그에서 현대 데이터 분석의 기본적인 사고방식에 대해 탐색하고 성명하고 있습니다. 


PlanetBig Matoop는 빅데이터 및 Hadoop등에 관련 블로그를 정리하는 플랫폼입니다. 전세계의 블로그를 모았습니다.

6. 빅데이터 블로그:

Big Data Week 회의에서의 인터뷰와 의견을 공개하고 있습니다. 회의에 참석할 수 없는 경우에는 이 블로그에서 최신 정보를 입수할 수 있습니다.


ChrisAblon은 통계,인공지능 및 소포트웨어 분약에서 10년이상 경험을 가진 데이터 과학자 및 정치학자입니다. 정치, 사회, 인도 활동에 익숙하며 이에 대한 많은 자료를 공유하고 있습니다.

 8.NYC AcienceAcademyAcademy

교육기관인 NYC Data Science Academy의 블로그에서 R, Web 크롤, 머신러닝에 관한 포스트를 공개하고 있으며 온라인 코스도 있습니다. 데이터 사이언스 분야에서 축적하는 경험에 의해서, 기업에 스킬과 전략 트레이닝을 제공하고 있습니다.


DBMS2는 데이터베이스와 데이터 분석 스킬에 관심이 있는 분들에게 업계 전문가의 리뷰를 제공하는 플랫폼입니다. 필자인 Curt Monash씨는 30년 동안 업계에 주목하고 왔습니다.


Tomi Mester씨의 블로그에서는, 온라인 데이터 아날리스트 베스트 프랙티스에 대해 자세하게 해설하고 있습니다. 데이터 분석, AB테스트, 조사연구 및 데이터 사이언스에 관련된 포스트, 코스 및 비디오를 공유하고 있습니다.

11.데이터베이스 관리시스템 운영:

이 사이트는 빅데이터, 최신 데이터 관리 테크놀로지 그리고 데이터 사이언스에 관련 자료가 포함된 포털입니다. 필자는 프랑크푸르트 대학의 데이터베이스 및 정보 시스템 교수입니다.

12.Yanir Seroussi 블로그 :

Yanir Seoussi씨는 프로그래밍, 컴퓨터 사이언스, 머신러닝 및 통계에서 풍부한 경험을 가진 데이터 사이언티스트 및 소프트웨어 엔지니어입니다.그의 블로그에 고립된 데이터의 문제부터 생산 시스템의 구축까지의 아이디어가 포함되어 있습니다.


이 블로그는 Jeff Leek, Roger Peng, Rafa Irizarry 3명의 생물 통계학 교수에 의해서 쓰여졌습니다. 과학적 논의에 기여하는 흥미로운 포스트에 대해 코멘트하고, 그리고 신인 통계학자와 의견을 공유합니다.

 14.What is big data

Gil Press는 라이팅, 리서치, 마케팅 서비스를 제공하는 “gPress”라는 컨설팅 사업을 경영하고 있습니다.  블로그에서는 빅데이터에 관한 정보기술, 비즈니스 업계, 정부기관, 그리고 우리 생활에 미치는 영향에 대한 것을 알아보고 있습니다.

15.Towards Data Science:

이 블로그는 수천명의 사람들이 의견을 교환하고 데이터 사이언스에 대한 이해를 증진시키는 플랫폼입니다.각 전문적인  데이터 사이언티스트로부터 다양한 내용을 읽을 수 있습니다.


Alexis Perrier씨는 기업의 머신러닝을 지원한 적이 있는 데이터 사이언스 강사입니다. 자신의 블로그에서 선형회귀 등에 대한 상세한 연구를 공유했습니다.
러닝을 지원한 적이 있는 데이터 사이언스 강사입니다. 자신의 블로그에서 선형회귀 등에 대한 상세한 연구를 공유했습니다.


Algobeans는 케임브리지대학의 Annalyn 및 스탠퍼드대학의 Kenneth에 의해 설립되었습니다. 데이터 사이언스의 애호가로서 누구나 쉽게 데이터 사이언스를 공부할 수 있도록 사이트를 작성했습니다.
페이스북에서 FineReport Reporting Sofeware채널을 구독하고 더 많은 데이터 시각화 정보를 받으세요!

체험판 무료로 알아보기

더 많은 보기…

1분 안에 인사으트를 보는 대시보드 디자인 도구 및 제작사례 10가지
2020년 BI Tool의 주요 기능 TOP10
보고서 유형 및 샘플 10가지 알아보기!


2020년 국내외 데이터 시각화 툴 4종 사용 후기

2020년 은행 대시보드 인기 샘플 TOP 3


상담/문의: 031-450-3011
고객 지원:korea@fanruan.com

Copyright©2018 FanRuan Software Co., Ltd.

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Posted by uniqueone

Deep Learning Basics
By Daniel Worrall, MLSS Indo2020
ML Basics Video: https://youtu.be/FrbWQDdGpHQ?t=40
Slides: https://deworrall92.github.io/docs/MLSSIndo1_lo_res.pdf
DL Basics Video: https://youtu.be/K59cmobQKew?t=270
Slides: https://deworrall92.github.io/docs/MLSSIndo2_lo_res.pdf
Equivariance Video: https://youtu.be/HPU--yAGIBQ?t=407
Slides: https://deworrall92.github.io/docs/MLSSIndo3_lo_res.pdf
#ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #MachineLearning

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Deep Learning and Computer Vision Course List.

Computer Vision 3: Detection, Segmentation and Tracking - Technical University Munich

Stanford CS221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques

TUM Lectures | Advanced Deep Learning

Reinforcement Learning by Deep Mind (Google) 2020

Statistical Machine Learning 2020: Lectures by Ulrike von Luxburg

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#tensorflow2.0 #machinelearning

텐서플로우 2.0 free course 를 소개 드립니다.


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텐서플로 코리아 친구들, GitHub를 탐색하다가 우연찮게 Aymeric Damien 라는 사람의 깃허브에서 보석을 발견했습니다 :) 머신러닝 초보 개발자를 위해 직접 실습해 볼 수 있는 예제들을 발견하게 되었는데, 이를 간단히 블로그로 정리해 보았습니다.

텐서플로2 개발자라면, [https://brunch.co.kr/@synabreu/78](https://brunch.co.kr/@synabreu/78)

텐서플로1 개발자라면, [https://brunch.co.kr/@synabreu/79](https://brunch.co.kr/@synabreu/79)

보시고 따라해 보시면 됩니다.

참고로 아나콘다에서 텐서플로 1.X 또는 2.X 설치하고 가상환경 실행 환경법 부터 "Hello, World" 부터 기본 선형 회귀 분석과 로지스틱 분석, K-Means 및 Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, GBDT 알고리즘과 Word2Vec 모델을 작성해 볼 수 있습니다.

Posted by uniqueone

자기주도온라인학습센터 신규 강의 목록(2020.05.11)

- 연구데이터분석 – R실습 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.kr/Qb0OhyeYm

- 연구데이터분석 – 엑셀실습 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.kr/rFU2pGFwc

- 머신러닝기반데이터분석 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.kr/4Tr7Pt2Wo

- 데이터베이스 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.kr/5Oh7ouF38

- 웹 앱 개발을 위한 Javascript 기초_1 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.kr/CydpTvJ7q

- DataLit : 데이터다루기 (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/UMWgVDBJ5

- 머신러닝, 딥러닝 기초 with Python, Keras (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/56yw1m9xj

- Hands on Deep Learning (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/Ja7nKIc1J

- [부스트코스] 데이터를 활용한 디지털 마케팅 효과분석 (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/nuAkZc6jh

- 비전공자를 위한 자바프로그래밍 (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/PDf1siYxa

- SW사고기법 (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/1RArBF3WU

- 인공지능의 이해 (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/wJtXuRsdy

- 3분으로 익히는 머신러닝의 기본 원리 (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/CSRrCh40t

- 컴퓨터비전, 머신러닝, 딥러닝을 이용한 의료영상분석 (EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/5i5Vz2aRB

- [부스트코스] Kaggle 실습으로 배우는 데이터 사이언스 (박조은 교수 / EDWITH) : http://bitly.kr/w7QRybytt

- 텍스트 데이터 분석 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.kr/Bo9ma9a8t

- 데이터 입출력 구현 (E-Koreatech) : http://bitly.kr/zEDd9JaHj

개별 사이트에서 “Go To Lecture Site” 버튼을 누르시면 개별 강의 페이지로 이동

* 자기주도온라인학습센터 : http://withmooc.com

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안녕하세요? 서진호입니다.

지난 텐서플로우 서밋 후기는 도움이 많이 되셨지요? 이번에는 코세라에서 가장 인기있는 인공지능 및 데이터 사이언스 강의들을 정리했습니다.

이전에 네이버의 김성훈 교수님이 소개 한 적이 있는 데, 좀더 상세하게 한글 자막 유무와 무료/유료 강의 그리고 그 외 몇가지 컨텐츠 인사이트를 볼 수 있는 코세라 컨텐츠 통계 데이터 들을 추가했습니다.

또한 다양한 코세라 강의를 보시고 직접 도전해 볼 수 있는 국내 AIHUB에서 개최하는 포스트 코로나 AI 챌런지에서도 소개했습니다. 인공지능 및 머신러닝, 딥러닝에 대해 스터디 하실 분들에게 도움이 되었으면 합니다.

Posted by uniqueone

Handong university machine learning camp (Korean)


Posted by uniqueone

안녕하세요. TFKR!

전에 공유드렸던 얀 르쿤 교수님의 NYU 딥러닝 강의 번역 프로젝트의 진행상황을 공유합니다!

TFKR을 비롯한 다양한 그룹에서 모인 10여명의 봉사자분들과 함께, 20개에 달하는 5주차까지의 강의 웹페이지 번역이 완료되었습니다! 지금 아래 링크에서 읽어보실 수 있습니다!




특히 CNN의 창시자라고 할 수 있는 얀 르쿤 교수님의 강의라 그런지, 합성곱과 심층 신경망에 대한 설명이 매우 상세하고 뛰어나서 저도 번역하면서 많이 배울 수 있었던 것 같습니다.


딥러닝을 조금 더 공부해보시고 싶으시거나, 복습해보시고 싶으신 분들은 한 번 읽어보시면 좋을 것 같습니다.

또한, 문서에서 오역이나 오류, 오탈자 등을 찾아 아래 깃헙에 PR 해주시면 여러분도 번역에 기여하실 수 있습니다!




다들 좋은 하루 보내세요!

Posted by uniqueone

We decided to make most of our Deep Learning Teaching Materials freely available online:
I hope this is useful for some of you. Most of it is CC 4.0 BY, so it might also be useful to everybody who teaches her- or himself.

Posted by uniqueone

CS330 전과정 강의비디오가 유튜브에 업로드되었습니다.


강의홈페이지는 아래와 같다고 유튜브영상 설명에 나와 있네요.


Posted by uniqueone

Machine Learning From Scratch

GitHub, by Erik Linder-Norén : https://github.com/eriklindernoren/ML-From-Scratch

#ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #MachineLearning 

Machine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep learning.

Machine Learning From Scratch


Python implementations of some of the fundamental Machine Learning models and algorithms from scratch.

The purpose of this project is not to produce as optimized and computationally efficient algorithms as possible but rather to present the inner workings of them in a transparent and accessible way.

Table of Contents


$ git clone https://github.com/eriklindernoren/ML-From-Scratch $ cd ML-From-Scratch $ python setup.py install


Polynomial Regression

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/polynomial_regression.py

Figure: Training progress of a regularized polynomial regression model fitting
temperature data measured in Linköping, Sweden 2016.

Classification With CNN

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/convolutional_neural_network.py +---------+ | ConvNet | +---------+ Input Shape: (1, 8, 8) +----------------------+------------+--------------+ | Layer Type | Parameters | Output Shape | +----------------------+------------+--------------+ | Conv2D | 160 | (16, 8, 8) | | Activation (ReLU) | 0 | (16, 8, 8) | | Dropout | 0 | (16, 8, 8) | | BatchNormalization | 2048 | (16, 8, 8) | | Conv2D | 4640 | (32, 8, 8) | | Activation (ReLU) | 0 | (32, 8, 8) | | Dropout | 0 | (32, 8, 8) | | BatchNormalization | 4096 | (32, 8, 8) | | Flatten | 0 | (2048,) | | Dense | 524544 | (256,) | | Activation (ReLU) | 0 | (256,) | | Dropout | 0 | (256,) | | BatchNormalization | 512 | (256,) | | Dense | 2570 | (10,) | | Activation (Softmax) | 0 | (10,) | +----------------------+------------+--------------+ Total Parameters: 538570 Training: 100% [------------------------------------------------------------------------] Time: 0:01:55 Accuracy: 0.987465181058

Figure: Classification of the digit dataset using CNN.

Density-Based Clustering

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/dbscan.py

Figure: Clustering of the moons dataset using DBSCAN.

Generating Handwritten Digits

$ python mlfromscratch/unsupervised_learning/generative_adversarial_network.py +-----------+ | Generator | +-----------+ Input Shape: (100,) +------------------------+------------+--------------+ | Layer Type | Parameters | Output Shape | +------------------------+------------+--------------+ | Dense | 25856 | (256,) | | Activation (LeakyReLU) | 0 | (256,) | | BatchNormalization | 512 | (256,) | | Dense | 131584 | (512,) | | Activation (LeakyReLU) | 0 | (512,) | | BatchNormalization | 1024 | (512,) | | Dense | 525312 | (1024,) | | Activation (LeakyReLU) | 0 | (1024,) | | BatchNormalization | 2048 | (1024,) | | Dense | 803600 | (784,) | | Activation (TanH) | 0 | (784,) | +------------------------+------------+--------------+ Total Parameters: 1489936 +---------------+ | Discriminator | +---------------+ Input Shape: (784,) +------------------------+------------+--------------+ | Layer Type | Parameters | Output Shape | +------------------------+------------+--------------+ | Dense | 401920 | (512,) | | Activation (LeakyReLU) | 0 | (512,) | | Dropout | 0 | (512,) | | Dense | 131328 | (256,) | | Activation (LeakyReLU) | 0 | (256,) | | Dropout | 0 | (256,) | | Dense | 514 | (2,) | | Activation (Softmax) | 0 | (2,) | +------------------------+------------+--------------+ Total Parameters: 533762

Figure: Training progress of a Generative Adversarial Network generating
handwritten digits.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/deep_q_network.py +----------------+ | Deep Q-Network | +----------------+ Input Shape: (4,) +-------------------+------------+--------------+ | Layer Type | Parameters | Output Shape | +-------------------+------------+--------------+ | Dense | 320 | (64,) | | Activation (ReLU) | 0 | (64,) | | Dense | 130 | (2,) | +-------------------+------------+--------------+ Total Parameters: 450

Figure: Deep Q-Network solution to the CartPole-v1 environment in OpenAI gym.

Image Reconstruction With RBM

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/restricted_boltzmann_machine.py

Figure: Shows how the network gets better during training at reconstructing
the digit 2 in the MNIST dataset.

Evolutionary Evolved Neural Network

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/neuroevolution.py +---------------+ | Model Summary | +---------------+ Input Shape: (64,) +----------------------+------------+--------------+ | Layer Type | Parameters | Output Shape | +----------------------+------------+--------------+ | Dense | 1040 | (16,) | | Activation (ReLU) | 0 | (16,) | | Dense | 170 | (10,) | | Activation (Softmax) | 0 | (10,) | +----------------------+------------+--------------+ Total Parameters: 1210 Population Size: 100 Generations: 3000 Mutation Rate: 0.01 [0 Best Individual - Fitness: 3.08301, Accuracy: 10.5%] [1 Best Individual - Fitness: 3.08746, Accuracy: 12.0%] ... [2999 Best Individual - Fitness: 94.08513, Accuracy: 98.5%] Test set accuracy: 96.7%

Figure: Classification of the digit dataset by a neural network which has
been evolutionary evolved.

Genetic Algorithm

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/genetic_algorithm.py +--------+ | GA | +--------+ Description: Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm which aims to produce the user specified target string. This implementation calculates each candidate's fitness based on the alphabetical distance between the candidate and the target. A candidate is selected as a parent with probabilities proportional to the candidate's fitness. Reproduction is implemented as a single-point crossover between pairs of parents. Mutation is done by randomly assigning new characters with uniform probability. Parameters ---------- Target String: 'Genetic Algorithm' Population Size: 100 Mutation Rate: 0.05 [0 Closest Candidate: 'CJqlJguPlqzvpoJmb', Fitness: 0.00] [1 Closest Candidate: 'MCxZxdr nlfiwwGEk', Fitness: 0.01] [2 Closest Candidate: 'MCxZxdm nlfiwwGcx', Fitness: 0.01] [3 Closest Candidate: 'SmdsAklMHn kBIwKn', Fitness: 0.01] [4 Closest Candidate: ' lotneaJOasWfu Z', Fitness: 0.01] ... [292 Closest Candidate: 'GeneticaAlgorithm', Fitness: 1.00] [293 Closest Candidate: 'GeneticaAlgorithm', Fitness: 1.00] [294 Answer: 'Genetic Algorithm']

Association Analysis

$ python mlfromscratch/examples/apriori.py +-------------+ | Apriori | +-------------+ Minimum Support: 0.25 Minimum Confidence: 0.8 Transactions: [1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 4] [1, 2] [2, 3, 4] [2, 3] [3, 4] [2, 4] Frequent Itemsets: [1, 2, 3, 4, [1, 2], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [1, 2, 4], [2, 3, 4]] Rules: 1 -> 2 (support: 0.43, confidence: 1.0) 4 -> 2 (support: 0.57, confidence: 0.8) [1, 4] -> 2 (support: 0.29, confidence: 1.0)


Supervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning

Reinforcement Learning

Deep Learning


If there's some implementation you would like to see here or if you're just feeling social, feel free to email me or connect with me on LinkedIn.



Posted by uniqueone

매우 좋은 AI 학습사이트!

무료에 1:1 튜터 형식으로 재미도 있고!

비록 영어 동영상이지만, 영어 자막 제공하고 있어서

이해하기도 쉽고...

Advisor가 쟁쟁한데 특히 Yoshua Bengio 교수님이!




Posted by uniqueone


Posted by uniqueone

This course uses pytorch instead of tensorflow.[

Posted by uniqueone