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scimagojr 2016 Subject Category - Complementary and Alternative Medicine.xlsx


Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2016) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc.
1 Clinical Plasma Medicine journal 1.448 Q1 13 11 41 551 197 32 4.21 50.09 DE
2 Journal of Natural Products journal 1.220 Q1 114 410 1150 14272 3899 1119 3.34 34.81 US
3 Journal of Ginseng ResearchOpen Access journal 1.201 Q1 25 97 169 1731 584 154 3.95 17.85 NL
4 Pharmacognosy ReviewsOpen Access journal 1.143 Q1 25 21 68 1475 273 67 4.31 70.24 IN
5 Phytomedicine journal 1.043 Q1 93 203 591 8877 2157 573 3.79 43.73 NL
6 American Journal of Chinese Medicine journal 0.873 Q1 49 96 300 4379 836 290 3.28 45.61 SG
7 Journal of Ethnobiology and EthnomedicineOpen Access journal 0.850 Q1 46 55 284 3838 594 252 1.95 69.78 GB
8 BMC Complementary and Alternative MedicineOpen Access journal 0.793 Q1 60 519 1448 22435 3591 1433 2.23 43.23 GB
9 Phytochemical Analysis journal 0.752 Q1 58 43 207 1328 488 203 2.23 30.88 US
10 Complementary Therapies in Medicine journal 0.719 Q1 49 137 342 5424 799 327 2.25 39.59 US
11 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative MedicineOpen Access journal 0.704 Q1 58 662 3058 27710 6186 2916 1.83 41.86 EG
12 Homeopathy : the journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy journal 0.696 Q1 31 56 127 1347 154 107 1.41 24.05 US
13 Journal of Natural Medicines journal 0.675 Q1 33 94 296 2986 629 288 2.13 31.77 DE
14 Planta Medica journal 0.654 Q1 97 188 647 7241 1252 601 2.03 38.52 DE
15 Journal of Traditional and Complementary MedicineOpen Access journal 0.646 Q1 13 117 127 2555 278 122 2.18 21.84 NL
16 Integrative Cancer TherapiesOpen Access journal 0.622 Q1 49 49 183 2196 315 164 1.80 44.82 US
17 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine journal 0.581 Q1 73 142 423 4852 654 395 1.54 34.17 US
18 Pharmaceutical Biology journal 0.573 Q1 46 420 681 16586 1277 677 1.81 39.49 GB
19 Chiropractic and Manual TherapiesOpen Access journal 0.566 Q1 22 49 123 2135 193 117 1.57 43.57 GB
20 Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines journal 0.531 Q1 21 115 364 4188 688 361 1.79 36.42 CN
21 Acupuncture in Medicine journal 0.527 Q1 38 104 354 1874 390 208 1.98 18.02 GB
22 Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies journal 0.527 Q1 36 211 304 4274 383 239 1.40 20.26 US
23 Chinese MedicineOpen Access journal 0.497 Q1 28 48 90 2265 143 84 1.53 47.19 GB
24 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice journal 0.470 Q1 36 93 155 3601 272 145 1.79 38.72 NL
25 Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine journal 0.468 Q2 56 60 184 1884 199 141 1.21 31.40 US
26 Journal of Herbal Medicine journal 0.421 Q2 9 38 73 1291 106 68 1.47 33.97 DE
27 JAMS Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian StudiesOpen Access journal 0.417 Q2 22 64 142 1396 181 130 1.10 21.81 SG
28 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research journal 0.402 Q2 32 177 502 2901 576 495 1.13 16.39 GB
29 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine journal 0.393 Q2 19 55 369 0 385 369 0.90 0.00 CN
30 American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis journal 0.375 Q2 24 35 111 1452 99 80 1.16 41.49 US
31 Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research journal 0.369 Q2 23 7 33 194 24 32 0.56 27.71 US
32 Indian Journal of Traditional KnowledgeOpen Access journal 0.369 Q2 22 100 295 2539 335 295 1.42 25.39 IN
33 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine journal 0.368 Q2 25 241 508 3890 447 416 0.97 16.14 CN
34 Nordic Journal of Music Therapy journal 0.361 Q2 14 29 56 1119 41 44 0.90 38.59 GB
35 Music Therapy Perspectives journal 0.350 Q2 5 30 73 742 34 64 0.55 24.73 US
36 Open Natural Products Journal journal 0.345 Q2 3 0 4 0 4 4 0.00 0.00 NL
37 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal 0.314 Q2 19 51 123 2019 287 122 2.95 39.59 US
38 European Journal of Integrative Medicine journal 0.306 Q2 15 167 254 5266 222 225 1.03 31.53 NL
39 Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine journal 0.297 Q2 14 45 123 1720 126 122 1.09 38.22 DE
40 Natural product communications journal 0.284 Q2 30 215 1373 348 1076 1337 0.72 1.62 US
41 Revista Brasileira de Plantas MedicinaisOpen Access SciELO journal 0.275 Q2 19 76 370 2656 173 360 0.37 34.95 BR
42 Holistic Nursing Practice journal 0.266 Q2 29 63 169 1776 102 143 0.79 28.19 US
43 Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y AromaticasOpen Access journal 0.265 Q2 14 41 161 1483 81 160 0.45 36.17 CL
44 Journal of Medicinal Plants journal 0.263 Q2 13 40 150 1515 75 150 0.46 37.88 IR
45 International Journal of High Dilution ResearchOpen Access journal 0.260 Q2 6 35 115 209 24 101 0.24 5.97 BR
46 International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine journal 0.252 Q2 15 44 117 1367 57 92 0.57 31.07 AU
47 African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines journal 0.249 Q2 31 133 443 5066 364 441 0.56 38.09 NG
48 Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative MedicineOpen Access journal 0.246 Q2 15 47 145 1292 100 115 0.97 27.49 NL
49 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association journal 0.246 Q3 40 150 520 2302 195 294 0.50 15.35 US
50 Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing journal 0.245 Q3 24 81 356 2406 182 294 0.53 29.70 NL

Posted by uniqueone

최근 경험담 하나 공유합니다 (인공지능과 얼마나 연관성이 있을까 잘 모릅니다). 제 전공분야의 책을 하나 마무리했습니다. 영어로 쓴 책이라 문법 교정을 한 번 받고 싶어 교정 업체를 물색하다보니 editage란 회사가 제일 눈에 띄더군요. 견적을 받았는데, 글자 당 얼마. 이렇게 계산을 하다보니 액수가 상당합니다. 울며 겨자 먹기로 맡기긴 했는데요.

사실 늘 영어로 논문 쓰는 일을 하다 보니 영어 문장 구성은 별 무리 없이 잘 합니다. 다만 세밀한 문법 실수가 있을까봐 부탁한 것이지요. 교정 업체에서는 그런 사정을 잘 모르니, 무조건 분량에 비례해 값을 매깁니다.

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Posted by uniqueone

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Microscopy Cell Counting with Fully Convolutional Regression Networks

W. Xie, J. A. Noble, A. Zisserman
MICCAI 1st Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, 2015
Download the publication : weidi15.pdf [2.1Mo]  
This paper concerns automated cell counting in microscopy images. The approach we take is to adapt Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to regress a cell spatial density map across the image. This is applicable to situations where traditional single-cell segmentation based methods do not work well due to cell clumping or overlap. We make the following contributions: (i) we develop and compare architectures for two Fully Convolutional Regression Networks (FCRNs) for this task; (ii) since the networks are fully convolutional, they can predict a density map for an input image of arbitrary size, and we exploit this to improve efficiency at training time by training end-to-end on image patches; and (iii) we show that FCRNs trained entirely on synthetic data are able to give excellent predictions on real microscopy images without fine-tuning, and that the performance can be further improved by fine-tuning on the real images. We set a new state-of-the-art performance for cell counting on the standard synthetic image benchmarks and, as a side benefit, show the potential of the FCRNs for providing cell detections for overlapping cells.

BibTex reference:

  author       = "Xie, W. and Noble, J.~A. and Zisserman, A.",
  title        = "Microscopy Cell Counting with Fully Convolutional Regression Networks",
  booktitle    = "MICCAI 1st Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis",
  year         = "2015",

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Posted by uniqueone