안녕하세요. 인공지능연구원 정정민입니다. 회사 내부 세미나에서 SinGAN 논문을 발표했습니다. ICCV 2019에서 Best paper 상을 받은 논문입니다. 사용했던 자료를 공유드립니다. 도움이 되셨으면 좋..
Deep Learning/Papers2read 2019. 11. 22. 23:49https://www.facebook.com/groups/TensorFlowKR/permalink/1043767235964334/?sfnsn=mo
기계와의 경쟁을 준비하며…
“The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet.”
- William Gibson
통계적 사고 (ThinkStats2) : 프로그래머를 위한 확률과 통계
- (번역): https://github.com/statkclee/ThinkStats2
- (원서): http://greenteapress.com/thinkstats2/
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# 파이썬 2 기준 우분투 14.04 64비트 버젼 설치 사례 $ wget https://3230d63b5fc54e62148e-c95ac804525aac4b6dba79b00b39d1d3.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/Anaconda2-2.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh $ bash ~/Downloads/Anaconda2-2.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh 사전준비 검증[xwmooc:~/ThinkStats2/code ] $ python nsfg.pynsfg.py:42: SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy df.birthwgt_lb[df.birthwgt_lb > 20] = np.nan (13593, 244) nsfg.py: All tests passed.부랑자(Vagrant)와 가상상자(VirtualBox)를 활용한 과학컴퓨팅 환경 구축
일시학습 내용
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[자기주도온라인평생학습] 이부일 교수의 R릴레오(WITHMOOC) 이부일 교수님의 R릴레오를 소개합니다. 현재 회귀분석까지 79개의 강의를 공 (0) | 2020.03.18 |
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Code for automatically putting a mask on a face in photographs. The code matches features between the mask and the face in the photo and warps the mask and merges it onto the face. Additionally, the code adds ears or a hat onto the photo.
Code (Matlab) for automatically putting a mask on a face in photographs. The code matches features between the mask and the face in the photo and warps the mask and merges it onto the face. Additionally, the code adds ears or a hat onto the photo.
In order to detect matching feature points in the faces and masks, a separate algorithm should be used (this repository does not include it). I have tested two feature detectors that worked well:
Masks should be stored as the basis image, feature points and blending mask (binary or gray scale weights). The masks can also contain ears/hat/wig. The feature points are detected by the same algorithm that you plan on using for photos, and can be shifted manually. The blending masks are best when done manually with simple programs such as paint.
Read the report and look at the poster to learn more about this project.
python 자동 face warping 라이브러리 - PyChubby (0) | 2019.11.14 |
Emotion Recognition using Facial Landmarks, Python, DLib and OpenCV (0) | 2016.09.30 |
Face-landmarks-detection-benchmark (0) | 2016.08.18 |
reference sites (0) | 2016.05.18 |
[1] document: https://pychubby.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/basic_example.html
[2] 소스코드: https://github.com/jankrepl/pychubby
[3] 블로그: https://jankrepl.github.io/pychubby/
To illustrate the simplest use case let us assume that we start with a photo with a single face in it.
pychubby implements a class LandmarkFace which stores all relevant data that enable face warping. Namely it is the image itself and 68 landmark points. To instantiate a LandmarkFace one needs to use a utility class method estimate.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pychubby.detect import LandmarkFace img = plt.imread("path/to/the/image") lf = LandmarkFace.estimate(img) lf.plot()
Note that it might be necessary to upsample the image before the estimation. For convenience the estimate method has an optional parameter n_upsamples.
Once the landmark points are estimated we can move on with performing actions on the face. Let’s try to make the person smile:
from pychubby.actions import Smile a = Smile(scale=0.2) new_lf, df = a.perform(lf) # lf defined above new_lf.plot(show_landmarks=False)
There are 2 important things to note. Firstly the new_lf now contains both the warped version of the original image as well as the transformed landmark points. Secondly, the perform method also returns a df which is an instance of pychubby.base.DisplacementField and represents the pixel by pixel transformation between the old and the new (smiling) image.
To see all currently available actions go to Gallery.
To create an animation of the action we can use the visualization module.
from pychubby.visualization import create_animation ani = create_animation(df, img) # the displacement field and the original image
Tool for automated face warping
pip install pychubby
If you get an error FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'cmake': 'cmake', you need to make sure cmake is installed. If you're on OSX you can install this via Homebrew with:
brew install cmake
For other platforms please consult the Cmake documentation at https://cmake.org/install/
For each face in an image define what actions are to be performed on it, pychubby will do the rest.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pychubby.actions import Chubbify, Multiple, Pipeline, Smile from pychubby.detect import LandmarkFace img_path = 'path/to/your/image' img = plt.imread(img_path) lf = LandmarkFace.estimate(img) a_per_face = Pipeline([Chubbify(), Smile()]) a_all = Multiple(a_per_face) new_lf, _ = a_all.perform(lf) new_lf.plot(show_landmarks=False, show_numbers=False)
pychubby also comes with a CLI that exposes some of its functionality. You can list the commands with pc --help:
Usage: pc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Automated face warping tool. Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: list List available actions. perform Take an action.
To perform an action (Smile in the example below) and plot the result on the screen
pc perform Smile INPUT_IMG_PATH
or if you want to create a new image and save it
git clone https://github.com/jankrepl/pychubby.git cd pychubby pip install -e .[dev]
2 minute read
We all know the story. You ask a random person on a street to take a photo of you and your friends. After a few moments you happily thank them and go on with your life. After some time you finally sit down for a cup of coffee and check your photos. “My god, why is none of us smiling?!”.
First of all, do not panic. It is your lucky day. If you know how to pip install things there might be hope.
pip install pychubby
Once installed, just write something like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pychubby.actions import Multiple, Smile from pychubby.detect import LandmarkFace img_path = 'path/to/img.jpg' img = plt.imread(img_path) lf = LandmarkFace.estimate(img) a = Multiple(Smile(0.15)) lf_new, _ = a.perform(lf) lf_new.plot(show_numbers=False)
Pychubby is an automated face warping tool. Its main goal is to serve as a specialized augmentation interface for deep learning face related tasks. But it might as well be used as a silly face warping tool (see the introduction).
You might wonder why even bother when one can do similar things with Photoshop and other software. The answer is simple - automation. You do not have to locate any landmarks, move them around and then repeat the procedure on each face in every photo.
Popular image augmentation packages like imgaug are general purpose (any kind of image) and do not provide many options when it comes to geometric transformations. pychubby is specialized on human faces and allows for creation of geometric transformations that are:
In other words one does not augment the whole image but just the faces. The augmentations are realistic and have no artifacts.
The logic of pychubby can be summarized in three blocks
If you are interested in giving pychubby a try or just want to learn more see below a few useful links:
All potential contributors are more than welcome and any feedback is highly appreciated.